Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

“But let’s not wait too long for the next date,” Sandy warned playfully.

“Okay, that’s a deal,” Bud promised.


The next morning at the plant Tom called on Harlan Ames. He told of the sinister hoax by the caller who had passed himself off as Lester Morris. The security chief promised to investigate.

‘Til tip off the police about Len Unger,” Ames added. “If they can find him, we may be able to crack this case wide open.”

Tom telephoned Bud, Hank Sterling, and Arv Hanson to meet him at the helijet hangar. The four took off in one of the Swifts’ Whirling Ducks, which was standing by loaded and ready. Soon they landed on Fearing Island, where Tom would try out his antidetection invention.

“What’ll we use for a test sub, skipper?” Hank asked as they drove toward the docks.

“A jetmarine,” Tom replied.

A truck with engineers and technicians was following the jeep. It carried the equipment which Tom and Bud had assembled the previous day.

When they arrived at the docks, Tom gathered the men in a loading shed. He showed them his drawings and explained how his “sonar-blinding” setup would operate.

“Don’t let the diagrams fool you. The basic idea is very simple. We absorb all sonar impulses that hit the ship and transmit them out the opposite side of the hull, instead of letting a ping bounce back and show up on the sonarscope of any hostile sub on the lookout for us.”


Most of the job, he went on, would be tedious detail work. It would consist of attaching hundreds of mikes and speakers all over the hull to pick up and transmit the sonar pulses. The mikes would be receiving transducers and the speakers would be transmitting transducers.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor