Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

But Tom was worried himself. Not only might he be in danger, but it could involve his friends!

Nevertheless, he raised his voice above the excited babble. “Please be calm, everyonel We’ll have the lights on again in a jiffy!”

Taking Phyl by the hand, Tom groped his way toward the main door.

“Let’s check the switch,” he murmured, and ran his hand over the wall near the door. He located the metal plate and flipped the switch.

The lights went onl Good-natured cheers arose. Bud, grinning but puzzled, left Sandy’s side long enough to come over and speak to Tom.

“What happened?”



“I guess some practical joker clicked off the switch.”

Bud suddenly caught sight of a stout youth in a plaid shirt and blue jeans, who was standing in a nearby corner. He was shaking all over with half-stifled merriment.

“There’s the wise guy I Rock HarrimanI”

Rock, an all-star tackle on the Shop ton High football team, was well known for his pranks and practical jokes. Bud rushed over.

“Okay! Confess!” the husky young flier roared in a jokingly ferocious tone.

“Don’t get sore!” Rock gasped between chuckles. “I couldn’t resist. Boy, did you hear everyone squeal when the lights went out?”

Tom grinned in relief. “How about another dance, Phyl?”

As the music struck up again, he squeezed Phyl’s hand. “I sure appreciate your concern, even if I didn’t rate it.”

Phyl blushed as she returned the squeeze. “You rate with me,” she confided shyly.

The festivities finally ended after a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Both Sandy and Phyl declared to their dates that it more than made up for the forgotten beach party.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor