Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

Meanwhile, Tom had ordered his new hydrolung suit, with its four-plunger control unit and porpoise sonar, to be flown back to Enterprises. Arv Hanson had promised to make up several duplicates with a team of technicians working on all-night shifts.

Late the next afternoon Tom returned to the mainland to confer with his father. Mr. Swift reviewed the expedition plans with approval.

“Suppose we call Admiral Walter now and set a time for the Navy to move out of the missile area, so you can take over,” his father said.

Tom agreed, and his father placed the long-distance call to Washington.

Moments later, Admiral Walter came on the line. Mr. Swift talked to him briefly, then turned the phone over to


Tom, who described his preparations for the missile hunt. A time schedule of operations and communications was quickly laid out.

The admiral was amazed to learn that Bud Barclay was already patrolling the area. “Our ships haven’t seen or heard him!” the officer exclaimed. Suddenly Admiral Walter broke off. “Hold it, please, Toml A code call is just coming in!”

His voice was grave as he returned to the Swifts’ line. “That message was from your friend, Bud Barclay,” Admiral Walter reported. “It looks as if our enemy has found the missile 1”

“Oh, nol” Tom groaned.



TOM was stunned by the news. “There’s no chance of a mistake?”

“Judge for yourself,” Admiral Walter replied. He read the message: HAVE JUST SIGHTED ENEMY CRAFT DREDGING OUT METAL OBJECT

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Categories: Appleton, Victor