Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

“Look, sir,” Bud put in, “if they’re telling the truth about their sub not waiting, our jetmarine may have chased it. That means Mel and I are stranded here.

Could you have your men wait for us on the beach till we find out?”

“Gladly,” the chief replied. “You two have done a fine day’s work.”

After the prisoners had been locked up to be handed over to the FBI, the two Beach Patrol officers drove Bud and Mel back to the area where they had landed. Just as the jeep turned down the dirt road leading to the shore, Bud’s keen eyes spotted a lurking figure in the distance.

“Stop, please!” Bud said, tapping the driver on the shoulder.

As the jeep halted, Bud pointed toward the beach. A man was crouching behind a sand dune, with a large fish basket beside him. The sergeant, puzzled, took out a pair of binoculars to study the situation. Fortunately, the jeep was still screened by trees, and the crouching man evidently did not realize he had been seen.

“What’s in the basket?” Bud asked. “Could it be clothes?”

“Sure looks like it,” the sergeant said, passing over the binoculars.

After a brief look, Bud explained the hunch


that had occurred to him. “I’ll bet that guy’s waiting with clothes for the frogmen. He probably got here late and doesn’t realize they’ve been nabbed!”

“Well, he’ll soon find out,” the police driver said grimly. He was about to start up the jeep when Bud stopped him again.

“Wait! You have no proof that’s what he’s here for,” Bud pointed out.

The pilot suggested that the police keep out of sight while he and Mel approached the man in their swimming gear. “If that stranger takes the bait, we’ll really have the goods on him!” Bud concluded.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor