Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

They found his sports car badly damaged. The right side was wedged against the utility pole, which was leaning at a crazy angle.

Ames whistled and shook his head. “Boy! You’re lucky you got off with just a bruise, Tom!”

“You’re telling me,” the young inventor agreed ruefully.

After calling a repair garage to send out a wrecker, they drove to the Swifts’

home. Mrs. Swift and Sandy, previously unaware of Tom’s plight, were horrified to hear what had happened. The sight of Tom’s bruise also upset them.

Tom did his best to allay their concern, but finally allowed himself to be hustled up to bed. Dr. Emerson, the Swifts’ family physician, was immediately summoned to the house. He pronounced the bruise not serious, but advised that Tom remain quiet, at least for the rest of the day.

Bud came to visit the young inventor that evening, just as Sandy was bringing up a tray. On it was a sizzling T-bone steak.


“Wow! Wish I could have that kind of service,” Bud said jokingly. Then he became serious. “I’d sure like to meet that creep who snagged you, Tom. What a fiendish trickl You realize you might have been killed?”

“I realize it, all right,” Tom said wryly.

The next morning Tom felt no ill effects from his grim adventure and insisted upon driving to Enterprises. He phoned Admiral Walter, whose report was bleak-the searchers had still gleaned no trace of the buried missile.

Refusing to be discouraged by the news, or lack of news, Tom went to his private laboratory and applied himself once again to the problem of building an “invisible” submarine. But again success eluded him.

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Categories: Appleton, Victor