Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 18 – And the Electronic Hydrolung

Meanwhile, Mr. Swift had just driven in through the main gate of Enterprises.

“What’s going on?” he asked the guard at the gate, noting the excited hubbub around Tom’s laboratory.

“Don’t rightly know, sir,” the guard replied. “I was wondering myself. I know it sounds crazy, but I thought I heard someone yelling there was going to be a space attack.”

Mr. Swift’s eyebrows lifted in amazement. Without further discussion, he stepped on the accelerator and sped off along the paved drive. Seconds later, his car braked to a stop near Tom Jr.‘s private laboratory. The scientist jumped out and made his way through the milling crowd.

“What’s going on?” Mr. Swift stared in astonishment at Tom and Bud, who were both doubled up with laughter.

“A scrambled radio alert, Dad,” Tom gasped between chuckles. “Chow thought some Martian monsters were invading us, and sort of pushed the panic button.”


The Texan blushed as Tom explained what had happened. Realizing Chow’s embarrassment, Tom tried to make his mistake sound understandable.

Apparently the power line to the ion-drive control board had somehow picked up the boys’ scrambled conversation underwater. The signal had been transferred by inductance in the wall wiring and amplified over the public-address system.

“Our wall mike was on,” Tom added, “and it probably picked up some of the sound waves from the tank. Anyhow,” he concluded, slapping the cook affectionately on the back, “I’m sure glad we have a wide-awake hombre like Chow in the outfit. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s saved our necks 1”

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Categories: Appleton, Victor