Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

no great talent for deception; he was just determined to preserve his

privacy As a reporter who had ever-increasing doubts about a

journalist’s right intrude in the lives of others, Holly sympathized

with his reticence. When she glanced at him, she could only laugh

softly. “You’re good.”

“So are you.”

As she stopped at the curb in front of the terminal, Holly said, “NO, if

I were good, by now I’d at least have found out what the hell you do for

a living.” He had a charming smile. And those eyes “I didn’t say you

were as good as I am just that you were good.” He got out and retrieved

his suitcase from the back seat, then returned to the open front door.

“Look, I happened to be in the right place at the right time. By sheer

chance, I was able to save that boy. It wouldn’t be fair to have my

whole life turned upside down by the media just because I did a good


“No, it wouldn’t,” she agreed.

With a look of relief, he said, “Thank you.”

“But I gotta say-your modesty’s refreshing.”

He looked at her for a long beat, fixed her with his exceptional blue


“So are you, Miss Thorne.”

Then he closed the door, turned away, and entered the terminal.

Their last exchange played again in her mind: Your modesty’s refreshing.

So are you, Miss Thorne She stared at the terminal door through which he

had disappeared, and he seemed too good to have been real, as if she had

given a ride to a hitchhiking spirit. A thin haze filtered flecks of

color from the late-afternoon sunlight, so the air had a vague golden

cast of the kind that sometimes hung for an instant in the wake of a

vanishing remnant in an old movie about ghosts.

A hard, hollow rapping noise startled her.

She snapped her head around and saw an airport security guard tapping

with his knuckles on the hood of her car. When he had her attention, he

pointed to a sign: LOADING ZONE.

Wondering how long she had sat there, mesmerized by thoughts of Jim

Ironheart, Holly released the emergency brake and slipped the car in


She drove away from the terminal.

Your modesty’s refreshing.

So are you, Miss Thorne All the way back into Portland, a sense of the

uncanny lay upon her, a perception that someone preternaturally special

had passed through her life. She was unsettled by the discovery that a

man could so affect her, and she felt uncomfortably girlish, even

foolish. At the same time, she enjoyed that pleasantly eerie mood and

did not want it to fade.

So are you, Miss Thorne That evening, in her third-floor apartment

overlooking Council city park, as she was cooking a dinner of angel-hair

pasta with pesto sauce pine nuts, fresh garlic, and chopped tomatoes,

Holly suddenly wondered how Jim Ironheart could have known that young

Billy Jenkins was in danger even before the drunken driver in the pickup

truck had appeared over the crest of the hill.

She stopped chopping in the middle of a tomato and looked out the

kitchen window. Purple-red twilight was settling over the greensward

low. Among the trees, the park lamps cast pools of warm amber light on

the grass-flanked walkways.

When Ironheart had charged up the sidewalk in front of McAlbery School,

colliding with her and nearly knocking her down, Holly started after

him, intending to tell him off By the time she reached the intersection

, he was already in the street, turning right then left, looking a

little agitated. . . wild. In fact he seemed so strange, the kids

moved around him in a wide arc. She had registered his panicked

expression and the kids’ reaction to him a second or two before the

truck had erupted over the hill like a daredevil’s car flying off the

top of a stunt ramp.

Only then had Ironheart focused on Billy Jenkins, scooping the boy out

of the path of the truck.

Perhaps he had heard the roar of the engine, realized something was

approaching the intersection at reckless speed, and acted out of an

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Categories: Koontz, Dean