Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

“I don’t think so.” He strained to see back through the clouds of

memory, then shook his head. “I don’t know.”

Largely because she was afraid to leave Jim alone, Holly tried to

convince him that it would be better for them to meet the old man


But he insisted she go first. “Ask him most of what we need to know, so

when I come into it, we won’t have to stay much longer if we don’t want

to. . . in case it goes bad, gets awkward, unpleasant.

Prepare him for seeing me, Holly. Please.”

Because he appeared ready to bolt if she did not play things his way,

Holly finally agreed. But watching Jim walk into the courtyard to wait

there, she already regretted letting him move out of her sight. If he

started to lose control again, if The Enemy began to break through,

nobody would be with him to encourage him to resist the onslaught.

A friendly nurse helped Holly find Henry Ironheart when he proved not to

be in his room. She pointed him out at a card table in the cheery

recreation center, at the other end of which a half dozen residents were

watching a game show on television.

Henry was playing poker with his cronies. Four of them were at a table

designed to accommodate wheelchairs, and none wore the standard

nursing-home attire of pajamas or sweatsuits. Besides Henry, there were

two fragile-looking elderly men—one in slacks and a red polo shirt;

the other in slacks, white shirt, and bow tie-and a birdlike woman with

snow-white hair, who was in a bright-pink pantsuit. They were halfway

through a hotly contested hand, with a substantial pile of blue plastic

chips in the pot, and Holly waited to one side, reluctant to interrupt

them. Then one by one, exhibiting a flair for drama, they revealed

their cards, and with a whoop of delight the woman-Thelma, her name

was-raked in her winnings , theatrically gloating as the men

goodnaturedly questioned her honesty.

Finally intruding into their banter, Holly introduced herself to Henry

Ironheart, though without identifying herself as Jim’s fiancee.

“I’d like to have a few minutes to talk with you about something if I


“Jesus, Henry,” the man in the polo shirt said, “she’s less than half

your age!”

“He always was an old pervert,” said the guy in the bow tie.

“Oh, get a life, Stewart,” Thelma said, speaking to Mr. Bow Tie.

“Henry’s a gentleman, and he’s never been anything else.”

“Jesus, Henry, you’re gonna be married for sure before you get out of

this room today!”

“Which you certainly won’t be, George,” Thelma continued. “And as far

as I’m concerned”-she winked-“if it’s Henry, marriage doesn’t have to be

part of it.”

They all roared at that, and Holly said, “I can see I’m going to be aced

out of this one.”

George said, “Thelma gets what she’s after more often than not.”

Noticing that Stewart had gathered the cards up and was shuffling the

deck, Holly said, “I don’t mean to interrupt your game.”

“Oh, don’t worry yourself,” Henry said. His words were slightly slurred

as a result of his stroke, but he was quite intelligible.

“We’ll just take a bathroom break.”

“At our age,” George said, “if we didn’t coordinate our bathroom breaks,

there’d never be more than two of us at the card table at any one time!”

The others wheeled away, and Holly pulled up a chair to sit near Henry


He was not the vital-looking, square-faced man she had seen in the

photograph on the living-room wall of the farmhouse last evening, and

without help Holly might not have recognized him. His stroke had left

his right side weak, though not paralyzed, and a lot of the time he held

that arm curled against his chest, the way an injured animal might favor

a paw.

He had lost a lot of weight and was no longer a burly man. His face was

not gaunt but nearly so, though his skin had good color; the facial

muscles on the right side were unnaturally relaxed, allowing his

features to droop a little.

His appearance, combined with the slur that thickened every word b

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Categories: Koontz, Dean