Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

flash back, at will, through his years in the classroom, which seemed so

vivid that those thousands of days might have occurred concurrently only


“-because that life held no threat for you, it was filled with purpose

and peace. The only things you forget, push relentlessly down into the

deepest wells of memory, are those things having to do with the death of

your parents, the death of Lena Ironheart, and your years in New

Svenborg. Henry Ironheart is part of that, so you continue to wipe him

from your mind.”

The sky was contusive.

He saw blackbirds wheeling across the clouds, more of them now than he

had seen in the cemetery. Four, six, eight. They seemed to be

paralleling the car, following it to Solvang.

Strangely, he recalled the dream with which he had awakened on the

morning that he had gone to Portland, saved Billy Jenkins, and met


In the nightmare, a flock of large blackbirds shrieked around him in a

turbulent flapping of wings and tore at him with hooked beaks as

precision-honed as surgical instruments.

“The worst is yet to come,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know.”

“You mean what we learn at Fair Haven?”

Above, the blackbirds swam through the high, cold currents.

Without having a clue as to what he meant, Jim said, “Something very

dark is coming.”

Fair Haven was housed in a large, U-shaped, three-story building outside

the town limits of Solvang, with no trace of Danish influence in its

architecture. It was strictly off the-rack design, functional and no

prettier than it had to be: cream-tinted stucco, concrete-tile roof,

boxy, flat-walled, with out detail. But it was freshly painted and in

good repair; the hedges were neatly trimmed, the lawn recently mown, and

the sidewalks swept clean.

Holly liked the place. She almost wished she lived there, was maybe

eighty, watching some TV every day, playing some checkers, with no worry

bigger than trying to figure out where she had put her false teeth when

she’d taken them out last night.

Inside, the hallways were wide and airy, with yellow vinyl-tile floors.

Unlike in many nursing homes, the air was neither tainted with the

stench of incontinent patients left unclean by inattentive staff nor

with a heavy aerosol deodorant meant to eliminate or mask that stench.

The rooms she and Jim passed looked attractive, with big windows opening

to valley views or a garden courtyard. Some of the patients lay in

their beds or slumped in their wheelchairs with vacant or mournful

expressions on their faces, but they were the unfortunate victims of

major strokes or late-stage Alzheimer’s disease, locked away in memories

or torment, largely unconnected to the world around them. Everyone else

appeared happy; and patients’ laughter actually could be heard, a rarity

in such places.

According to the supervisor on duty at the nurses’ station, Henry

Ironheart had been a resident of Fair Haven for over four years.

Mrs. Danforth, the administrator into whose office they were shown, was

new since Henry Ironheart had been checked in. She had the slightly

plump, well-groomed, and inoffensively self satisfied look of a

minister’s wife in a prosperous parish. Though she could not understand

why they needed her to verify something that Jim knew already, she

checked her records and showed them that, indeed, Henry Ironheart’s

monthly bill was always promptly paid by James Ironheart, of Laguna

Niguel, by check.

“I’m glad you’ve come to visit at last, and I hope you’ll have a

pleasant time,” Mrs. Danforth said, with genteel reproach meant to make

him feel guilty for not visiting his grandfather more often while at the

same time not directly offending him.

After they left Mrs. Danforth, they stood in a corner of the main

hallway, out of the bustle of nurses and wheelchair-bound patients.

“I can’t just walk in on him,” Jim said adamantly. “Not after all this

time. I feel. . . my stomach’s clutched up, cramped. Holly, I’m

afraid of him.”


“I’m not sure.” Desperation, bordering on panic, made his eyes so

disquieting that she did not want to look into them.

“When you were little, did he ever harm you?”

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Categories: Koontz, Dean