Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

had no doubt that the man crumpled on the floor was dead. Bloody human

garbage. Garbage alive, now garbage dead.

At the sight of the torn and battered corpse, a savage elation grip him,

a furious righteousness that was both thrilling and frightening. He

wanted to be sickened by what he had done, even if the dead man deserved

to die, but although the carnage nauseated him, he was not merely

repulsed. He had encountered purest evil in human form.

Both the bastards deserved worse than he had been able to do to them,

deserving long and slow deaths with great suffering, much terror. He

felt like a avenging angel, come to judgment, filled with a holy rage.

He knew he was teetering on the edge of a psychosis of his own, knew

that only the insane were unreservedly certain of the virtue of even

their most outrageous act but he could find no doubt within him. In fact

his anger swelled as if he were God’s avatar into whom flowed a direct

current of the Almighty apocalyptic wrath.

He turned to the closed door.

The bedroom lay beyond.

The mother and child had to be in there.

Lisa. . . Susie. . .

But who else?

Sociopathic killers usually operated alone, but sometimes they paired as

these two had done. Larger alliances, however, were rare.

Charles Manson and his “family,” of course. There were other examples.

He couldn’t rule anything out, not in a world where the trendiest

professors of philosophy taught that ethics were always situational and

that everyone’s point of view was equally right and valuable, regardless

of its logic or hate It was a world that bred monsters, and this beast

might be hydra-headed He knew caution was called for, but the

exhilarating righteous wrath that filled him also gave him a sense of

invulnerability. He stepped to the bedroom door, kicked it open, and

shouldered through, knowing he might be gut-shot, not giving a damn,

shotgun in front of him, ready to kill or be killed.

The woman and child were alone. On the filthy bed. Bound at wrists and

ankles with sturdy strapping tape. Tape across their mouths.

The woman, Lisa, was about thirty, slim, an unusually attractive blond

But the daughter, Susie, was remarkably more beautiful than her mother

ethereally beautiful: about ten years old, with luminous green eyes,

delicate features, and skin as flawless as the membranous interior

surface of a eggshell. The girl seemed, to Jim, to be an embodiment of

innocence goodness, and purity-an angel cast down into a cesspool. New

power informed his rage at the sight of her bound and gagged in the

bedroom squalor.

Tears streamed down the child’s face, and she choked on muffled sobs of

terror behind the tape that sealed her lips.

The mother was not crying, though grief and fear haunted her eyes. Her

sense of responsibility to her daughter and a visible rage not unlike

Jim’s-seemed to keep her from falling over the brink of hysteria.

He realized they were afraid of him. As far as they knew, he was in

league with the men who had abducted them.

As he propped the shotgun against the built-in dresser, he said, “It’s

all right. It’s over now. I killed them. I killed them both.”

The mother stared at him wide-eyed, disbelieving.

He didn’t blame her for doubting him. His voice sounded strange: full

of fury, cracking on every third or fourth word, tremulous, going from a

whisper to a hard bark to a whisper again.

He looked around for something with which to cut them free. A roll of

the strapping tape and a pair of scissors lay on the dresser.

Grabbing the scissors, he noticed X-rated videotapes also stacked on

there. Suddenly he realized that the walls and ceiling of the small

room were papered with obscene photographs torn from the pages of sex

magazines, and with a jolt he saw it was filth with a twisted

difference: child pornography. There were grown men in the photos,

their faces always concealed, but there were no grown women, only young

girls and boys, most of them as young as Susie, many of them younger,

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Categories: Koontz, Dean