Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

domed room like a blazing fireworks display, after which the bells

stopped ringing and the multitude of sparks coalesced into the pulsing,

constantly moving amoebalike forms that they had seen before.

“Very dramatic,” Holly said. As the light swiftly progressed from red

through orange to amber, she seized the initiative. “We would like you

to dispense with the cumbersome way you answered our questions

previously and simply speak to us directly.”

The Friend did not reply.

“Will you speak to us directly?”

No response.

Consulting the tablet that she held in one hand, she read the first

question. “Are you the higher power that has been sending Jim on

life-saving missions?”

She waited.


She tried again.


Stubbornly, she repeated the question.

The Friend did not speak, but Jim said, “Holly, look at this.”

She turned and saw him examining the other tablet. He held it toward

her, flipping through the first ten or twelve pages. The eerie and

inconstant light from the stone was bright enough to show her that the

pages were filled with The Friend’s familiar printing.

Taking the tablet from him, she looked at the first line on the top


Jim said, “He’s already answered every one of the questions we’ve pre


Holly threw the tablet across the room. It hit the far window without

breaking the glass, and clattered to the floor.

“Holly, you can’t” She cut him off with a sharp look.

The light moved through the transmuted limestone with greater agitation

than before.

To The Friend, Holly said, “God gave Moses the Ten Commandments on

tablets of stone, yeah, but He also had the courtesy to talk to him.

If God can humble Himself to speak directly with human beings, then so

can you.”

She did not look to see how Jim was reacting to her adversarial tactics.

All she cared about was that he not interrupt her.

When The Friend remained silent, she repeated the first question on her

list. “Are you the higher power that has been sending Jim on

life-saving missions?”

“Yes. I am that power” The voice was a soft, mellifluous baritone. Like

the ringing of the bells, it seemed to come from all sides of them. The

Friend did not materialize out of the wall in human form, did not sculpt

a face from the limestone, but merely produced its voice out of thin


She asked the second question on her list. “How can you know these

people are about to die?”

“I am an entity that lives in all aspects of time. ”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Past present, and future.”

“You can foresee the future?”

“I live in the future as well as in the past and present” The light was

coruscating through the walls with less agitation now, as if the alien

presence had accepted her conditions and was mellow again.

Jim moved to her side. He put a hand on her arm and squeezed gently, as

if to say “good work.”

She decided not to ask for any more clarification on the issue of its

ability to see the future, for fear they would be off on a tangent and

never get back on track before the creature next announced that it was

depart. She returned to the prepared questions. “Why do you want these

particular people saved?”

“To help mankind” it said sonorously. There might have been a note of

pomposity in it, too, but that was hard to tell because the voice was so

evenly modulated, almost machinelike.

“But when so many people are dying every day-and most of them an

innocents-why have you singled out these particular people to be


“They are special people. ”

“In what way are they special?”

“If allowed to live each of them will make a major contribution to the

betterment of mankind.” Jim said, “I’ll be damned.”

Holly had not been expecting that answer. It had the virtue of being

fresh. But she was not sure she believed it. For one thing, she was

bothered that The Friend’s voice was increasingly familiar to her.

She was sure she had heard it before, and in a context that undermined

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Categories: Koontz, Dean