Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz


He saw the car first, a station wagon. It was pulled off to the right

of the roadway, approximately a mile ahead, near a drainage culvert

where no water flowed except during rare storms and flash floods.

His heart began to pound harder, and in spite of the rush of cool air

coming out of the dashboard vents, he broke into a sweat. This was it.

Then he spotted the motor home, too, half a mile beyond the car,

surfacing out of one of the deeper water mirages. It was lumbering away

from him, toward the distant wall of the valley, where the highway

sloped up between treeless, red-rock mountains.

Jim slowed as he approached the station wagon, not sure where his help

was needed. His attention was drawn equally to the wagon and the motor


As the speedometer needle fell back across the gauge, he waited for a

dearer understanding of his purpose. It didn’t come. Usually he was

compelled to act, as if by an inner voice that spoke to him only on a

subconscious level, or as if he were a machine responding to a

pre-programmed course of action. Not this time. Nothing.

With growing desperation, he braked hard and fishtailed to a full stop

next to the Chevy station wagon. He didn’t bother to pull onto the

shoulder. He glanced at the shotgun beside him, but he knew somehow

that he did not need it. Yet.

He got out of the Camaro and hurried toward the station wagon. luggage

was piled in the rear cargo area. When he looked through the side

window, he saw a man sprawled on the front seat. He pulled open the

door -and flinched. So much blood.

The guy was dying but not dead. He had been shot twice in the chest.

His head lay at an angle against the passenger-side door, reminding Jim

of Christ’s head tilted to one side as he hung upon the cross. His eyes

cleared briefly as he struggled to focus on Jim.

In a voice as frantic as it was fragile, he said, “Lisa. . .

Susie. . . My wife, daughter. . .”

Then his tortured eyes slipped out of focus. A thin wheeze of breath

escaped him, his head lolled to one side, and he was gone.

Sick, stricken by an almost disabling sense of responsibility for the

stranger’s death, Jim stepped back from the open door of the station

wagon and stood for a moment on the black pavement under the searing

white sun. If he had driven faster, harder, he might have been there a

few minutes sooner, might have stopped what had happened.

A sound of anguish, low and primitive, rose from him. It was almost a

whisper at first, swelling into a soft moan. But when he turned away

from the dead man and looked down the highway toward the dwindling motor

home, his cry quickly became a shout of rage because suddenly he knew

what had happened.

And he knew what he must do.

In the Camaro again, he filled the roomy pockets of his blue slacks with

shotgun shells. Already loaded, the short-barreled pump-action 12-gauge

was within easy reach.

He checked the rearview mirror. On this Monday morning, the highway was

empty. No help in sight. It was all up to him.

Far ahead, the motor home vanished through shimmering thermal rents like

undulant curtains of glass beads.

He threw the Camaro in gear. The tires spun in place for an instant

then skidded on the clutching sun-softened blacktop, issuing a scream

echoed eerily across the desert vastness. Jim wondered how the stranger

and his family had screamed when he’d been shot point-blank in the car

Abruptly the Camaro overcame all resistance and rocketed forward.

Tramping the accelerator to the floor, he squinted ahead to catch a

glimpse of his quarry. In seconds the curtains of heat parted, and the

vehicle hove into view as if it were a sailing ship somehow making way

through that dry sea.

The motor home couldn’t compete with the Camaro, and Jim was riding its

bumper. It was an old thirty-foot Road king that had seen a lot of

miles. Its white aluminum siding was caked with dirt, dented, and

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Categories: Koontz, Dean