Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

lucky the weapon hadn’t discharged as it slammed around inside the

tumbling Camaro.

Coming for me Disoriented, he needed a moment to find the door handle,

which was over his head. He reached up, released it. At first the door

would not open Then it swung outward with a metallic popping and


He crawled off the ceiling, out onto the floor of the desert, feeling as

though he had become trapped in a surreal Daliesque world of weird

perspective He reached back in for the shotgun.

Though the ash-fine dust was beginning to settle, he was still coughing

it out of his lungs. Clenching his teeth, he tried to swallow each

cough. he needed to be quiet if he were to survive.

Neither as quick nor as inconspicuous as the small desert lizards the

scooted across his path, Jim stayed low and dashed to a nearby arroyo

When he arrived at the edge of that natural drainage channel, he

discovered it was only about four feet deep. He slid over the lip, and

his feet made a soft slapping sound as they hit the hard-packed bottom.

Crouching in that shallow declivity, he raised his head slowly to grow

level and looked across the desert floor toward the overturned Camaro

around which the haze of alkaline dust had not yet entirely dissipated.

the highway, the Road king finished reversing along the pavement and

halted parallel to the wrecked car.

The door opened, and a man climbed out. Another man, having exited from

the far side, hurried around the front of the motor home to join his

companion. Neither of them was the kindly-retiree-on-a-budget that a

might have imagined behind the wheel of that aging caravan. They

appeared to be in their early thirties and as hard as heat-tempered

dense rock. One of them wore his dark hair pulled back and knotted into

redoubled ponytail-the passe style that kids now called a “dork knob”

The other had short spiky hair on top, but his head was shaved on the

sides-as if he thought he was in one of those old Mad Max movies. they

wore sleeveless T-shirts, jeans, and cowboy boots, and both carried hand

guns. They headed cautiously toward the Camaro, splitting up to

approach it from opposite ends.

Jim drew down below the top of the arroyo, turned right-which was

approximately west-and rushed in a crouch along the shallow channel He

glanced back to see if he was leaving a trail, but the silt, baked under

months of fierce sun since the last rain, did not take footprints.

After about fifty feet, the arroyo abruptly angled to the south, left.

Sixty feet thereafter it disappeared into a culvert that led under the


Hope swept through him but did not still the tremors of fear that had

shaken him continuously since he had found the dying man in the station

wagon. He felt as if he was going to puke. But he had not eaten

breakfast and had nothing to toss up. No matter what the nutritionists

said, sometimes it paid to skip a meal.

Full of deep shade, the concrete culvert was comparatively cool.

He was tempted to stop and hide there-and hope they would give up, go


He couldn’t do that, of course. He wasn’t a coward. But even if his

conscience had allowed him to buy into a little cowardice this time, the

mysterious force driving him would not permit him to cut and run. To

some extent, he was a marionette on strings invisible, at the mercy of a

puppeteer unseen, in a puppet-theater play with a plot he could not

understand and a theme that eluded him.

A few tumbleweed had found their way into the culvert, and their brittle

spines raked him as he shoved through the barrier they had formed. He

came out on the other side of the highway, into another arm of the

arroyo, and scrambled up the wall of that parched channel.

Lying belly-first on the desert floor, he slithered to the edge of the

elevated roadbed and eased up to look across the pavement, east toward

the motor home. Beyond the Road king, he could see the Camaro like a

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Categories: Koontz, Dean