Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

big things, zapping him with either visions of danger and destruction

and death–or no visions at all. Which made sense in a way.

It would probably drive you insane to have psychic visions that told you

in advance whether you were going to enjoy a particular movie, have a

good dinner, or get a bad case of gas and the bloats from that garlicky

angel-hair pasta that you were enjoying so much. Nevertheless, she

dropped back a little farther, putting one more car between them.

When Ironheart left the freeway at the exit for Los Angeles

International Airport, Holly became excited. Perhaps he was only

meeting someone on an incoming flight. But it was more likely that he

was catching a plane out, embarking on one of his timely rescue

missions, just as he had flown to Portland on August 12, nearly two

weeks ago. Holly was not prepared to travel; she didn’t even have a

change of clothes. However, she had cash and credit cards to handle

expenses, and she could buy a fresh blouse anywhere. The prospect of

tailing him all the way to the scene of the action tantalized her.

Ultimately, when she wrote about him, she would be able to do so with

more authority if she had been an eye-witness at two of his rescues.

She almost lost her nerve when he swung off the airport service loop

into a parking garage, because there was no longer a convenient car

between them to mask her presence. But the alternative was to drive on,

park in another garage, and lose him. She hung back only as far as she

dared and took a ticket from the dispenser seconds after he did.

Ironheart found an empty slot halfway along a row on the third level,

and Holly pulled in ten spaces past him. She slumped down in her seat a

little and remained in her car, giving him a head start so there was

less of a chance of him glancing back and seeing her.

She almost waited too long. When she got out of her car, she was barely

in time to glimpse him as he turned right and disappeared around a wall

at the bottom of the ramp.

She hurried after him. The soft, flat slap-slap of her footsteps echoed

hollowly off the low concrete ceiling. At the base of the ramp, when

she turned the corner, she saw him enter a stairwell. By the time she

passed through that door after him, she heard him descend the final

flight and open the door below.

Thanks to his colorful Hawaiian shirt, she was able to stay well behind

him, mingling with other travelers, as he crossed the service road and

entered the United Airlines terminal. She hoped they weren’t going to

Hawaii. Researching a story without the financial backing of the

newspaper was expensive enough. If Ironheart was going to save

someone’s life today, she hoped he would do it in San Diego instead of


In the terminal, she hung back behind a group of tall Swedes, using them

for cover, while Ironheart stood for a while at a bank of monitors,

studying the schedule of upcoming departures. Judging by the frown on

his face, he didn’t see the flight he wanted. Or maybe he simply didn’t

yet know which flight he wanted. Perhaps his premonitions did not come

to him full-blown; he might have to work at them, nurse them along, and

he might not know exactly where he was going or whose life he would be

saving until he got there.

After a few minutes, he turned from the monitors and strode along the

concourse to the ticket counter. Holly continued to stay well back of

him, watching from a distance, until she realized that she would not

know his destination unless she was close enough to hear him give it to

the clerk Reluctantly she closed the gap.

She could wait until he had bought the ticket, of course, follow him to

see which gate he waited at, then book herself on the same flight. But

what if the plane took off while she was dashing through the endless

hallways of the terminal? She could also try to cajole the clerk into

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Categories: Koontz, Dean