Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

“Good heavens, of course he’ll like you! Why wouldn’t he like a nice

young woman like you? Why wouldn’t he be delighted to have someone as

sweet as you for a sister?”

I’m going to rot in hell for this, Holly thought miserably.

She said, “Well, it may sound silly to you, but I’m worried about it.

I’ve never made good first impressions with people-”

“You’ve made an excellent one with me, dear.”

Grind my face under your heel, why don’t you? Holly thought.

She said, “I want to be careful. I want to know as much as possible

about him before I knock on his door. I want to know what he likes,

what he doesn’t like, how he feels about. . . oh, about all sorts of

things. God, Mrs. Moreno, I don’t want to blow this.”

Viola nodded. “I assume you’ve come to me because I know your brother,

probably had him years ago in one of my classes?”

“You do teach history at a junior high school here in Irvine-”

“That’s right. I’ve worked there since before Joe died.”

“Well, my brother wasn’t one of your students. He was an English

instructor in the same school. I traced him there, and learned you’d

taught in the room next to his for ten years, you knew him well.”

Viola’s face brightened into a smile. “You mean Jim Ironheart!”

“That’s right. My brother.”

“This is lovely, wonderful, this is perfect!” Viola enthused.

The woman’s reaction was so excessive that Holly blinked in surprise and

didn’t know quite what to say next.

“He’s a good man,” Viola said with genuine affection. “I’d have liked

nothing better than to’ve had a son like him. He comes around now and

then for dinner, not as often as he used to, and I cook for him, mother

him I can’t tell you how much pleasure that gives me.” A wistful

expression had settled on her, and she was silent a moment. “Anyway. .

. you couldn’t have asked for a better brother, dear.

He’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever known, a dedicated teacher, so

gentle and kind and patient.”

Holly thought of Norman Rink, the psychopath who had killed a clerk and

two customers in that Atlanta convenience store last May, and who had

been killed in turn by gentle, kind Jim Ironheart. Eight rounds from a

shotgun at point-blank range. Four rounds fired into the corpse after

Rink was obviously dead. Viola Moreno might know the man well, but she

clearly had no concept of the rage that he could tap when he needed it.

“I’ve known good teachers in my time, but none as concerned about his

students as Jim Ironheart was. He sincerely cared about them, as if

they were his own kids.” She leaned back in her chair and shook her

head remembering. “He gave so much to them, wanted so much to make

their lives better, and all but the worst-case misfits responded to him.

He had a rapport with his students that other teachers would sell their

souls for, yet he didn’t have to surrender a proper student-teacher

relationship to get it.

So many of them try to be pals with their students, you see, and that

never really works.”

“Why did he quit teaching?”

Viola hesitated, smile fading. “Partly, it was the lottery.”

“What lottery?”

“You don’t know about that?”

Holly frowned and shook her head.

Viola said, “He won six million dollars in January.”

“Holy smoke!”

“The first time he ever bought a ticket.”

Allowing her initial surprise to metamorphose into a look of worry,

Holly said, “Oh, God, now he’s going to think I only came around because

he’s suddenly rich.”

“No, no,” Viola hastened to assure her. “Jim would never think the

worst of anyone.”

“I’ve done well myself,” Holly lied. “I don’t need his money, I

wouldn’t take it if he tried to give it to me. My adoptive parents are

doctors, not wealthy but well-to-do, and I’m an attorney with a nice


Okay, okay, you really don’t want his money, Holly thought with self

disgust as caustic as acid, but you’re still a mean little lying bitch

with a frightening talent for invented detail, and you’ll spend eternity

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Categories: Koontz, Dean