Coldfire by Dean R. Koontz

penetrated her as completely as a sharp knife slicing through soft

butter She got up and went into the bathroom, guided only by the thin

moon glow that filtered through the sheers over the window. In the bath

room she did not turn on the light. After she peed, she washed her

hands and stood for a while just looking at her dim, amorphous

reflection in the silvery-black mirror. She washed her hands. She got

a drink of cold water She realized that she was delaying her return to

the bedroom because she was afraid she would be drawn to the window


This is ridiculous, she told herself What’s gotten into you?

She reentered the bedroom and found herself approaching the window

instead of the bed. She parted the sheers.

He was not out there.

Holly felt as much disappointment as relief As she stared into the

night-swaddled reaches of Council Crest Park, an extended chill quivered

through her again, and she realized that only half of it was generated

by nameless fear. A strange excitement coursed through her, as well, a

first ant anticipation of. . .

Of what?

She didn’t know.

Jim Ironheart’s effect on her was profound and lingering. She had not

experienced anything like it. Although she struggled to understand what

she was feeling, enlightenment eluded her. Mere sexual attraction was

the explanation. She was long past puberty, and neither the tidal pull

hormones nor the girlish desire for romance could affect her like this

At last she returned to bed. She was certain that she would lie awake

for the rest of the night, but to her surprise she soon drifted off

again. As she tumbled on the wire of consciousness, she heard herself

mumble, “those” then fell into the yawning void.

In his own bed in Laguna Niguel, Jim woke just before dawn. His heart

was pounding. Though the room was cool, he was bathed in sweat.

He’d ‘been having one of his frequent nightmares, but all he could

recall of it was that something relentless, powerful, and vicious had

been pursuing him. His sense of onrushing death was so powerful that he

had to turn on the lights to be certain that something inhuman and

murderous was not actually in the room with him. He was alone.

“But not for long,” he said aloud.

He wondered what he meant by that.

AUGUST 20 THROUGH AUGUST 2 Jim Ironheart peered anxiously through the

dirty windshield of the stolen Camaro. The sun was a white ball, and

the light it shed was as white a bitter as powdered lime.

Even with sunglasses, he had to squint. Rising sun-scorched blacktop,

currents of superheated air formed into mirages people and cars and

lakes of water.

He was tired, and his eyes felt abraded. The heat illusions combined

with occasional dust devils to hamper visibility. The endless vistas of

the Mojave Desert made it difficult to maintain an accurate perception

of speed; he didn’t feel as if the car was streaking along at nearly a

hundred miles an hour, but it was. In his condition, he should have

been driving a lot slower.

But he was filled with a growing conviction that he was too late, that

he was going to screw up. Someone was going to die because he had not

been quick enough.

He glanced at the loaded shotgun angled in front of the other bud seat,

its butt on the floor, barrels pointed away from him. A full box of

shells was on the seat.

Half sick with dread, he pressed the accelerator even closer to the

floorboard. The needle on the speedometer dial shivered past the

hundred mark.

He topped a long, gradual rise. Below lay a bowl-shaped valley twenty

or thirty miles in diameter, so alkaline that it was mostly white,

barren but for a few gray tumbleweed and a stubble of desert scrub. It

might have been formed by an asteroid impact eons ago, its outlines

considerably softened by the passage of millennia but otherwise still as

primeval as any place on earth.

The valley was bisected by the black highway on which mirages of water

glistened. Along the shoulders, heat phantoms shimmered and writhed

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Categories: Koontz, Dean