Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

monument of my perseverance, independence, and good sense,

redounding greatly to my honour. This was at about the period when

Olympia Squires became involved in the anniversary. Olympia was

most beautiful (of course), and I loved her to that degree, that I

used to be obliged to get out of my little bed in the night,

expressly to exclaim to Solitude, ‘O, Olympia Squires!’ Visions of

Olympia, clothed entirely in sage-green, from which I infer a

defectively educated taste on the part of her respected parents,

who were necessarily unacquainted with the South Kensington Museum,

still arise before me. Truth is sacred, and the visions are

crowned by a shining white beaver bonnet, impossibly suggestive of

a little feminine postboy. My memory presents a birthday when

Olympia and I were taken by an unfeeling relative – some cruel

uncle, or the like – to a slow torture called an Orrery. The

terrible instrument was set up at the local Theatre, and I had

expressed a profane wish in the morning that it was a Play: for

which a serious aunt had probed my conscience deep, and my pocket

deeper, by reclaiming a bestowed half-crown. It was a venerable

and a shabby Orrery, at least one thousand stars and twenty-five

comets behind the age. Nevertheless, it was awful. When the lowspirited

gentleman with a wand said, ‘Ladies and gentlemen’

(meaning particularly Olympia and me), ‘the lights are about to be

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

put out, but there is not the slightest cause for alarm,’ it was

very alarming. Then the planets and stars began. Sometimes they

wouldn’t come on, sometimes they wouldn’t go off, sometimes they

had holes in them, and mostly they didn’t seem to be good

likenesses. All this time the gentleman with the wand was going on

in the dark (tapping away at the heavenly bodies between whiles,

like a wearisome woodpecker), about a sphere revolving on its own

axis eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand millions of times – or

miles – in two hundred and sixty-three thousand five hundred and

twenty-four millions of something elses, until I thought if this

was a birthday it were better never to have been born. Olympia,

also, became much depressed, and we both slumbered and woke cross,

and still the gentleman was going on in the dark – whether up in

the stars, or down on the stage, it would have been hard to make

out, if it had been worth trying – cyphering away about planes of

orbits, to such an infamous extent that Olympia, stung to madness,

actually kicked me. A pretty birthday spectacle, when the lights

were turned up again, and all the schools in the town (including

the National, who had come in for nothing, and serve them right,

for they were always throwing stones) were discovered with

exhausted countenances, screwing their knuckles into their eyes, or

clutching their heads of hair. A pretty birthday speech when Dr.

Sleek of the City-Free bobbed up his powdered head in the stagebox,

and said that before this assembly dispersed he really must

beg to express his entire approval of a lecture as improving, as

informing, as devoid of anything that could call a blush into the

cheek of youth, as any it had ever been his lot to hear delivered.

A pretty birthday altogether, when Astronomy couldn’t leave poor

Small Olympia Squires and me alone, but must put an end to our

loves! For, we never got over it; the threadbare Orrery outwore

our mutual tenderness; the man with the wand was too much for the

boy with the bow.

When shall I disconnect the combined smells of oranges, brown

paper, and straw, from those other birthdays at school, when the

coming hamper casts its shadow before, and when a week of social

harmony – shall I add of admiring and affectionate popularity – led

up to that Institution? What noble sentiments were expressed to me

in the days before the hamper, what vows of friendship were sworn

to me, what exceedingly old knives were given me, what generous

avowals of having been in the wrong emanated from else obstinate

spirits once enrolled among my enemies! The birthday of the potted

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Categories: Charles Dickens