Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

goes up to bed with us, ascends the pale bedroom chimney, and

prevents the smoke from following. We all know how a leg of our

chair comes off at breakfast in the morning, and how the dejected

waiter attributes the accident to a general greenness pervading the

establishment, and informs us, in reply to a local inquiry, that he

is thankful to say he is an entire stranger in that part of the

country and is going back to his own connexion on Saturday.

We all know, on the other hand, the great station hotel belonging

to the company of proprietors, which has suddenly sprung up in the

back outskirts of any place we like to name, and where we look out

of our palatial windows at little back yards and gardens, old

summer-houses, fowl-houses, pigeon-traps, and pigsties. We all

know this hotel in which we can get anything we want, after its

kind, for money; but where nobody is glad to see us, or sorry to

see us, or minds (our bill paid) whether we come or go, or how, or

when, or why, or cares about us. We all know this hotel, where we

have no individuality, but put ourselves into the general post, as

it were, and are sorted and disposed of according to our division.

We all know that we can get on very well indeed at such a place,

but still not perfectly well; and this may be, because the place is

largely wholesale, and there is a lingering personal retail

interest within us that asks to be satisfied.

To sum up. My uncommercial travelling has not yet brought me to

the conclusion that we are close to perfection in these matters.

And just as I do not believe that the end of the world will ever be

near at hand, so long as any of the very tiresome and arrogant

people who constantly predict that catastrophe are left in it, so,

I shall have small faith in the Hotel Millennium, while any of the

uncomfortable superstitions I have glanced at remain in existence.


I got into the travelling chariot – it was of German make, roomy,

heavy, and unvarnished – I got into the travelling chariot, pulled

up the steps after me, shut myself in with a smart bang of the

door, and gave the word, ‘Go on!’

Immediately, all that W. and S.W. division of London began to slide

away at a pace so lively, that I was over the river, and past the

Old Kent Road, and out on Blackheath, and even ascending Shooter’s

Hill, before I had had time to look about me in the carriage, like

a collected traveller.

I had two ample Imperials on the roof, other fitted storage for

luggage in front, and other up behind; I had a net for books

overhead, great pockets to all the windows, a leathern pouch or two

hung up for odds and ends, and a reading lamp fixed in the back of

the chariot, in case I should be benighted. I was amply provided

in all respects, and had no idea where I was going (which was

delightful), except that I was going abroad.

So smooth was the old high road, and so fresh were the horses, and

so fast went I, that it was midway between Gravesend and Rochester,

and the widening river was bearing the ships, white sailed or

black-smoked, out to sea, when I noticed by the wayside a very

queer small boy.

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

‘Holloa!’ said I, to the very queer small boy, ‘where do you live?’

‘At Chatham,’ says he.

‘What do you do there?’ says I.

‘I go to school,’ says he.

I took him up in a moment, and we went on. Presently, the very

queer small boy says, ‘This is Gads-hill we are coming to, where

Falstaff went out to rob those travellers, and ran away.’

‘You know something about Falstaff, eh?’ said I.

‘All about him,’ said the very queer small boy. ‘I am old (I am

nine), and I read all sorts of books. But DO let us stop at the

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Categories: Charles Dickens