Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

themselves in a coil of rope, and the father and mother, she

suckling the youngest, discussed family affairs as peaceably as if

they were in perfect retirement. I think the most noticeable

characteristic in the eight hundred as a mass, was their exemption

from hurry.

Eight hundred what? ‘Geese, villain?’ EIGHT HUNDRED MORMONS. I,

Uncommercial Traveller for the firm of Human Interest Brothers, had

come aboard this Emigrant Ship to see what Eight hundred Latter-day

Saints were like, and I found them (to the rout and overthrow of

all my expectations) like what I now describe with scrupulous


The Mormon Agent who had been active in getting them together, and

in making the contract with my friends the owners of the ship to

take them as far as New York on their way to the Great Salt Lake,

was pointed out to me. A compactly-made handsome man in black,

rather short, with rich brown hair and beard, and clear bright

eyes. From his speech, I should set him down as American.

Probably, a man who had ‘knocked about the world’ pretty much. A

man with a frank open manner, and unshrinking look; withal a man of

great quickness. I believe he was wholly ignorant of my

Uncommercial individuality, and consequently of my immense

Uncommercial importance.

UNCOMMERCIAL. These are a very fine set of people you have brought

together here.

MORMON AGENT. Yes, sir, they are a VERY fine set of people.

UNCOMMERCIAL (looking about). Indeed, I think it would be

difficult to find Eight hundred people together anywhere else, and

find so much beauty and so much strength and capacity for work

among them.

MORMON AGENT (not looking about, but looking steadily at

Uncommercial). I think so. – We sent out about a thousand more,

yes’day, from Liverpool.

UNCOMMERCIAL. You are not going with these emigrants?

MORMON AGENT. No, sir. I remain.

UNCOMMERCIAL. But you have been in the Mormon Territory?

MORMON AGENT. Yes; I left Utah about three years ago.

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

UNCOMMERCIAL. It is surprising to me that these people are all so

cheery, and make so little of the immense distance before them.

MORMON AGENT. Well, you see; many of ’em have friends out at Utah,

and many of ’em look forward to meeting friends on the way.


MORMON AGENT. This way ’tis. This ship lands ’em in New York

City. Then they go on by rail right away beyond St. Louis, to that

part of the Banks of the Missouri where they strike the Plains.

There, waggons from the settlement meet ’em to bear ’em company on

their journey ‘cross-twelve hundred miles about. Industrious

people who come out to the settlement soon get waggons of their

own, and so the friends of some of these will come down in their

own waggons to meet ’em. They look forward to that, greatly.

UNCOMMERCIAL. On their long journey across the Desert, do you arm


MORMON AGENT. Mostly you would find they have arms of some kind or

another already with them. Such as had not arms we should arm

across the Plains, for the general protection and defence.

UNCOMMERCIAL. Will these waggons bring down any produce to the


MORMON AGENT. Well, since the war broke out, we’ve taken to

growing cotton, and they’ll likely bring down cotton to be

exchanged for machinery. We want machinery. Also we have taken to

growing indigo, which is a fine commodity for profit. It has been

found that the climate on the further side of the Great Salt Lake

suits well for raising indigo.

UNCOMMERCIAL. I am told that these people now on board are

principally from the South of England?

MORMON AGENT. And from Wales. That’s true.

UNCOMMERCIAL. Do you get many Scotch?


UNCOMMERCIAL. Highlanders, for instance?

MORMON AGENT. No, not Highlanders. They ain’t interested enough

in universal brotherhood and peace and good will.

UNCOMMERCIAL. The old fighting blood is strong in them?

MORMON AGENT. Well, yes. And besides; they’ve no faith.

UNCOMMERCIAL (who has been burning to get at the Prophet Joe Smith,

and seems to discover an opening). Faith in – !

MORMON AGENT (far too many for Uncommercial). Well. – In anything!

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Categories: Charles Dickens