Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

their infancy; and she had very neat knees and very neat satin

boots. Immediately after singing a slang song and dancing a slang

dance, this engaging figure approached the fatal lamps, and,

bending over them, delivered in a thrilling voice a random eulogium

on, and exhortation to pursue, the virtues. ‘Great Heaven!’ was my

exclamation; ‘Barlow!’

There is still another aspect in which Mr. Barlow perpetually

insists on my sustaining the character of Tommy, which is more

unendurable yet, on account of its extreme aggressiveness. For the

purposes of a review or newspaper, he will get up an abstruse

subject with definite pains, will Barlow, utterly regardless of the

price of midnight oil, and indeed of everything else, save cramming

himself to the eyes.

But mark. When Mr. Barlow blows his information off, he is not

contented with having rammed it home, and discharged it upon me,

Tommy, his target, but he pretends that he was always in possession

of it, and made nothing of it, – that he imbibed it with mother’s

milk, – and that I, the wretched Tommy, am most abjectly behindhand

in not having done the same. I ask, why is Tommy to be always the

foil of Mr. Barlow to this extent? What Mr. Barlow had not the

slightest notion of himself, a week ago, it surely cannot be any

very heavy backsliding in me not to have at my fingers’ ends today!

And yet Mr. Barlow systematically carries it over me with a

high hand, and will tauntingly ask me, in his articles, whether it

is possible that I am not aware that every school-boy knows that

the fourteenth turning on the left in the steppes of Russia will

conduct to such and such a wandering tribe? with other disparaging

questions of like nature. So, when Mr. Barlow addresses a letter

to any journal as a volunteer correspondent (which I frequently

find him doing), he will previously have gotten somebody to tell

him some tremendous technicality, and will write in the coolest

manner, ‘Now, sir, I may assume that every reader of your columns,

possessing average information and intelligence, knows as well as I

do that’ – say that the draught from the touch-hole of a cannon of

such a calibre bears such a proportion in the nicest fractions to

the draught from the muzzle; or some equally familiar little fact.

But whatever it is, be certain that it always tends to the

exaltation of Mr. Barlow, and the depression of his enforced and

enslaved pupil.

Mr. Barlow’s knowledge of my own pursuits I find to be so profound,

that my own knowledge of them becomes as nothing. Mr. Barlow

(disguised and bearing a feigned name, but detected by me) has

occasionally taught me, in a sonorous voice, from end to end of a

long dinner-table, trifles that I took the liberty of teaching him

five-and-twenty years ago. My closing article of impeachment

against Mr. Barlow is, that he goes out to breakfast, goes out to

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dinner, goes out everywhere, high and low, and that he WILL preach

to me, and that I CAN’T get rid of him. He makes me a Promethean

Tommy, bound; and he is the vulture that gorges itself upon the

liver of my uninstructed mind.


It is one of my fancies, that even my idlest walk must always have

its appointed destination. I set myself a task before I leave my

lodging in Covent-garden on a street expedition, and should no more

think of altering my route by the way, or turning back and leaving

a part of it unachieved, than I should think of fraudulently

violating an agreement entered into with somebody else. The other

day, finding myself under this kind of obligation to proceed to

Limehouse, I started punctually at noon, in compliance with the

terms of the contract with myself to which my good faith was


On such an occasion, it is my habit to regard my walk as my beat,

and myself as a higher sort of police-constable doing duty on the

same. There is many a ruffian in the streets whom I mentally

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Categories: Charles Dickens