Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

awful to look upon. Racked with dysentery and blackened with

scurvy, one hundred and forty wretched soldiers had been revived

with brandy and laid in bed.

My official friend Pangloss is lineally descended from a learned

doctor of that name, who was once tutor to Candide, an ingenious

young gentleman of some celebrity. In his personal character, he

is as humane and worthy a gentleman as any I know; in his official

capacity, he unfortunately preaches the doctrines of his renowned

ancestor, by demonstrating on all occasions that we live in the

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

best of all possible official worlds.

‘In the name of Humanity,’ said I, ‘how did the men fall into this

deplorable state? Was the ship well found in stores?’

‘I am not here to asseverate that I know the fact, of my own

knowledge,’ answered Pangloss, ‘but I have grounds for asserting

that the stores were the best of all possible stores.’

A medical officer laid before us, a handful of rotten biscuit, and

a handful of split peas. The biscuit was a honeycombed heap of

maggots, and the excrement of maggots. The peas were even harder

than this filth. A similar handful had been experimentally boiled

six hours, and had shown no signs of softening. These were the

stores on which the soldiers had been fed.

‘The beef – ‘ I began, when Pangloss cut me short.

‘Was the best of all possible beef,’ said he.

But, behold, there was laid before us certain evidence given at the

Coroner’s Inquest, holden on some of the men (who had obstinately

died of their treatment), and from that evidence it appeared that

the beef was the worst of possible beef!

‘Then I lay my hand upon my heart, and take my stand,’ said

Pangloss, ‘by the pork, which was the best of all possible pork.’

‘But look at this food before our eyes, if one may so misuse the

word,’ said I. ‘Would any Inspector who did his duty, pass such


‘It ought not to have been passed,’ Pangloss admitted.

‘Then the authorities out there – ‘ I began, when Pangloss cut me

short again.

‘There would certainly seem to have been something wrong

somewhere,’ said he; ‘but I am prepared to prove that the

authorities out there, are the best of all possible authorities.’

I never heard of any impeached public authority in my life, who was

not the best public authority in existence.

‘We are told of these unfortunate men being laid low by scurvy,’

said I. ‘Since lime-juice has been regularly stored and served out

in our navy, surely that disease, which used to devastate it, has

almost disappeared? Was there lime-juice aboard this transport?’

My official friend was beginning ‘the best of all possible – ‘ when

an inconvenient medical forefinger pointed out another passage in

the evidence, from which it appeared that the lime-juice had been

bad too. Not to mention that the vinegar had been bad too, the

vegetables bad too, the cooking accommodation insufficient (if

there had been anything worth mentioning to cook), the water supply

exceedingly inadequate, and the beer sour.

‘Then the men,’ said Pangloss, a little irritated, ‘Were the worst

of all possible men.’

‘In what respect?’ I asked.

‘Oh! Habitual drunkards,’ said Pangloss.

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But, again the same incorrigible medical forefinger pointed out

another passage in the evidence, showing that the dead men had been

examined after death, and that they, at least, could not possibly

have been habitual drunkards, because the organs within them which

must have shown traces of that habit, were perfectly sound.

‘And besides,’ said the three doctors present, ‘one and all,

habitual drunkards brought as low as these men have been, could not

recover under care and food, as the great majority of these men are

recovering. They would not have strength of constitution to do


‘Reckless and improvident dogs, then,’ said Pangloss. ‘Always are

– nine times out of ten.’

I turned to the master of the workhouse, and asked him whether the

men had any money?

‘Money?’ said he. ‘I have in my iron safe, nearly four hundred

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Categories: Charles Dickens