Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

married son and his wife, and THEIR family of children. Orson

Jobson is a little child asleep in his mother’s arms. The Doctor,

with a kind word or so, lifts up the corner of the mother’s shawl,

looks at the child’s face, and touches the little clenched hand.

If we were all as well as Orson Jobson, doctoring would be a poor


INSPECTOR. Quite right, Jessie Jobson. Take your ticket, Jessie,

and pass on.

And away they go. Mormon agent, skilful and quiet, hands them on.

Mormon agent, skilful and quiet, hands next party up.

INSPECTOR (reading ticket again). Susannah Cleverly and William

Cleverly. Brother and sister, eh?

SISTER (young woman of business, hustling slow brother). Yes, sir.

INSPECTOR. Very good, Susannah Cleverly. Take your ticket,

Susannah, and take care of it.

And away they go.

INSPECTOR (taking ticket again). Sampson Dibble and Dorothy Dibble

(surveying a very old couple over his spectacles, with some

surprise). Your husband quite blind, Mrs. Dibble?

MRS. DIBBLE. Yes, sir, he be stone-blind.

MR. DIBBLE (addressing the mast). Yes, sir, I be stone-blind.

INSPECTOR. That’s a bad job. Take your ticket, Mrs. Dibble, and

don’t lose it, and pass on.

Doctor taps Mr. Dibble on the eyebrow with his forefinger, and away

they go.

INSPECTOR (taking ticket again). Anastatia Weedle.

ANASTATIA (a pretty girl, in a bright Garibaldi, this morning

elected by universal suffrage the Beauty of the Ship). That is me,


INSPECTOR. Going alone, Anastatia?

ANASTATIA (shaking her curls). I am with Mrs. Jobson, sir, but

I’ve got separated for the moment.

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

INSPECTOR. Oh! You are with the Jobsons? Quite right. That’ll

do, Miss Weedle. Don’t lose your ticket.

Away she goes, and joins the Jobsons who are waiting for her, and

stoops and kisses Brigham Jobson – who appears to be considered too

young for the purpose, by several Mormons rising twenty, who are

looking on. Before her extensive skirts have departed from the

casks, a decent widow stands there with four children, and so the

roll goes.

The faces of some of the Welsh people, among whom there were many

old persons, were certainly the least intelligent. Some of these

emigrants would have bungled sorely, but for the directing hand

that was always ready. The intelligence here was unquestionably of

a low order, and the heads were of a poor type. Generally the case

was the reverse. There were many worn faces bearing traces of

patient poverty and hard work, and there was great steadiness of

purpose and much undemonstrative self-respect among this class. A

few young men were going singly. Several girls were going, two or

three together. These latter I found it very difficult to refer

back, in my mind, to their relinquished homes and pursuits.

Perhaps they were more like country milliners, and pupil teachers

rather tawdrily dressed, than any other classes of young women. I

noticed, among many little ornaments worn, more than one

photograph-brooch of the Princess of Wales, and also of the late

Prince Consort. Some single women of from thirty to forty, whom

one might suppose to be embroiderers, or straw-bonnet-makers, were

obviously going out in quest of husbands, as finer ladies go to

India. That they had any distinct notions of a plurality of

husbands or wives, I do not believe. To suppose the family groups

of whom the majority of emigrants were composed, polygamically

possessed, would be to suppose an absurdity, manifest to any one

who saw the fathers and mothers.

I should say (I had no means of ascertaining the fact) that most

familiar kinds of handicraft trades were represented here. Farmlabourers,

shepherds, and the like, had their full share of

representation, but I doubt if they preponderated. It was

interesting to see how the leading spirit in the family circle

never failed to show itself, even in the simple process of

answering to the names as they were called, and checking off the

owners of the names. Sometimes it was the father, much oftener the

mother, sometimes a quick little girl second or third in order of

seniority. It seemed to occur for the first time to some heavy

fathers, what large families they had; and their eyes rolled about,

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Categories: Charles Dickens