Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

days ago.” The pilot immediately said, “Why, where could he have

been brought up?” The boy had never seen the sea or been on a real

ship before’? Or, is there any proof in these boys being in

greater demand for Regimental Bands than the Union can meet? Or,

in ninety-eight of them having gone into Regimental Bands in three

years? Or, in twelve of them being in the band of one regiment?

Or, in the colonel of that regiment writing, ‘We want six more

boys; they are excellent lads’? Or, in one of the boys having

risen to be band-corporal in the same regiment? Or, in employers

of all kinds chorusing, ‘Give us drilled boys, for they are prompt,

obedient, and punctual’? Other proofs I have myself beheld with

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

these Uncommercial eyes, though I do not regard myself as having a

right to relate in what social positions they have seen respected

men and women who were once pauper children of the Stepney Union.

Into what admirable soldiers others of these boys have the

capabilities for being turned, I need not point out. Many of them

are always ambitious of military service; and once upon a time when

an old boy came back to see the old place, a cavalry soldier all

complete, WITH HIS SPURS ON, such a yearning broke out to get into

cavalry regiments and wear those sublime appendages, that it was

one of the greatest excitements ever known in the school. The

girls make excellent domestic servants, and at certain periods come

back, a score or two at a time, to see the old building, and to

take tea with the old teachers, and to hear the old band, and to

see the old ship with her masts towering up above the neighbouring

roofs and chimneys. As to the physical health of these schools, it

is so exceptionally remarkable (simply because the sanitary

regulations are as good as the other educational arrangements),

that when Mr. TUFNELL, the Inspector, first stated it in a report,

he was supposed, in spite of his high character, to have been

betrayed into some extraordinary mistake or exaggeration. In the

moral health of these schools – where corporal punishment is

unknown – Truthfulness stands high. When the ship was first

erected, the boys were forbidden to go aloft, until the nets, which

are now always there, were stretched as a precaution against

accidents. Certain boys, in their eagerness, disobeyed the

injunction, got out of window in the early daylight, and climbed to

the masthead. One boy unfortunately fell, and was killed. There

was no clue to the others; but all the boys were assembled, and the

chairman of the Board addressed them. ‘I promise nothing; you see

what a dreadful thing has happened; you know what a grave offence

it is that has led to such a consequence; I cannot say what will be

done with the offenders; but, boys, you have been trained here,

above all things, to respect the truth. I want the truth. Who are

the delinquents?’ Instantly, the whole number of boys concerned,

separated from the rest, and stood out.

Now, the head and heart of that gentleman (it is needless to say, a

good head and a good heart) have been deeply interested in these

schools for many years, and are so still; and the establishment is

very fortunate in a most admirable master, and moreover the schools

of the Stepney Union cannot have got to be what they are, without

the Stepney Board of Guardians having been earnest and humane men

strongly imbued with a sense of their responsibility. But what one

set of men can do in this wise, another set of men can do; and this

is a noble example to all other Bodies and Unions, and a noble

example to the State. Followed, and enlarged upon by its

enforcement on bad parents, it would clear London streets of the

most terrible objects they smite the sight with – myriads of little

children who awfully reverse Our Saviour’s words, and are not of

the Kingdom of Heaven, but of the Kingdom of Hell.

Clear the public streets of such shame, and the public conscience

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Categories: Charles Dickens