Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

and fire, and a female attendant to help them, and to watch

that they do not neglect the cleansing of their hands before

touching their food. An experienced medical attendant is provided

for them, and any premonitory symptoms of lead-poisoning are

carefully treated. Their teapots and such things were set out on

tables ready for their afternoon meal, when I saw their room; and

it had a homely look. It is found that they bear the work much

better than men: some few of them have been at it for years, and

the great majority of those I observed were strong and active. On

the other hand, it should be remembered that most of them are very

capricious and irregular in their attendance.

American inventiveness would seem to indicate that before very long

white-lead may be made entirely by machinery. The sooner, the

better. In the meantime, I parted from my two frank conductors

over the mills, by telling them that they had nothing there to be

concealed, and nothing to be blamed for. As to the rest, the

philosophy of the matter of lead-poisoning and workpeople seems to

me to have been pretty fairly summed up by the Irishwoman whom I

quoted in my former paper: ‘Some of them gets lead-pisoned soon,

and some of them gets lead-pisoned later, and some, but not many,

niver; and ’tis all according to the constitooshun, sur; and some

constitooshuns is strong and some is weak.’ Retracing my footsteps

over my beat, I went off duty.

Page 220

Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller


Once upon a time (no matter when), I was engaged in a pursuit (no

matter what), which could be transacted by myself alone; in which I

could have no help; which imposed a constant strain on the

attention, memory, observation, and physical powers; and which

involved an almost fabulous amount of change of place and rapid

railway travelling. I had followed this pursuit through an

exceptionally trying winter in an always trying climate, and had

resumed it in England after but a brief repose. Thus it came to be

prolonged until, at length – and, as it seemed, all of a sudden –

it so wore me out that I could not rely, with my usual cheerful

confidence, upon myself to achieve the constantly recurring task,

and began to feel (for the first time in my life) giddy, jarred,

shaken, faint, uncertain of voice and sight and tread and touch,

and dull of spirit. The medical advice I sought within a few

hours, was given in two words: ‘instant rest.’ Being accustomed

to observe myself as curiously as if I were another man, and

knowing the advice to meet my only need, I instantly halted in the

pursuit of which I speak, and rested.

My intention was, to interpose, as it were, a fly-leaf in the book

of my life, in which nothing should be written from without for a

brief season of a few weeks. But some very singular experiences

recorded themselves on this same fly-leaf, and I am going to relate

them literally. I repeat the word: literally.

My first odd experience was of the remarkable coincidence between

my case, in the general mind, and one Mr. Merdle’s as I find it

recorded in a work of fiction called LITTLE DORRIT. To be sure,

Mr. Merdle was a swindler, forger, and thief, and my calling had

been of a less harmful (and less remunerative) nature; but it was

all one for that.

Here is Mr. Merdle’s case:

‘At first, he was dead of all the diseases that ever were known,

and of several bran-new maladies invented with the speed of Light

to meet the demand of the occasion. He had concealed a dropsy from

infancy, he had inherited a large estate of water on the chest from

his grandfather, he had had an operation performed upon him every

morning of his life for eighteen years, he had been subject to the

explosion of important veins in his body after the manner of

fireworks, he had had something the matter with his lungs, he had

had something the matter with his heart, he had had something the

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Categories: Charles Dickens