Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

my Wigwam on all manner of occasions, and with the absurdest

‘Medicine.’ I always find it extremely difficult, and I often find

it simply impossible, to keep him out of my Wigwam. For his legal

‘Medicine’ he sticks upon his head the hair of quadrupeds, and

plasters the same with fat, and dirty white powder, and talks a

gibberish quite unknown to the men and squaws of his tribe. For

his religious ‘Medicine’ he puts on puffy white sleeves, little

black aprons, large black waistcoats of a peculiar cut, collarless

coats with Medicine button-holes, Medicine stockings and gaiters

and shoes, and tops the whole with a highly grotesque Medicinal

hat. In one respect, to be sure, I am quite free from him. On

occasions when the Medicine Men in general, together with a large

number of the miscellaneous inhabitants of his village, both male

and female, are presented to the principal Chief, his native

‘Medicine’ is a comical mixture of old odds and ends (hired of

traders) and new things in antiquated shapes, and pieces of red

cloth (of which he is particularly fond), and white and red and

blue paint for the face. The irrationality of this particular

Medicine culminates in a mock battle-rush, from which many of the

squaws are borne out, much dilapidated. I need not observe how

unlike this is to a Drawing Room at St. James’s Palace.

The African magician I find it very difficult to exclude from my

Wigwam too. This creature takes cases of death and mourning under

his supervision, and will frequently impoverish a whole family by

his preposterous enchantments. He is a great eater and drinker,

and always conceals a rejoicing stomach under a grieving exterior.

His charms consist of an infinite quantity of worthless scraps, for

which he charges very high. He impresses on the poor bereaved

natives, that the more of his followers they pay to exhibit such

scraps on their persons for an hour or two (though they never saw

the deceased in their lives, and are put in high spirits by his

decease), the more honourably and piously they grieve for the dead.

The poor people submitting themselves to this conjurer, an

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

expensive procession is formed, in which bits of stick, feathers of

birds, and a quantity of other unmeaning objects besmeared with

black paint, are carried in a certain ghastly order of which no one

understands the meaning, if it ever had any, to the brink of the

grave, and are then brought back again.

In the Tonga Islands everything is supposed to have a soul, so that

when a hatchet is irreparably broken, they say, ‘His immortal part

has departed; he is gone to the happy hunting-plains.’ This belief

leads to the logical sequence that when a man is buried, some of

his eating and drinking vessels, and some of his warlike

implements, must be broken and buried with him. Superstitious and

wrong, but surely a more respectable superstition than the hire of

antic scraps for a show that has no meaning based on any sincere


Let me halt on my Uncommercial road, to throw a passing glance on

some funeral solemnities that I have seen where North American

Indians, African Magicians, and Tonga Islanders, are supposed not

to be.

Once, I dwelt in an Italian city, where there dwelt with me for a

while, an Englishman of an amiable nature, great enthusiasm, and no

discretion. This friend discovered a desolate stranger, mourning

over the unexpected death of one very dear to him, in a solitary

cottage among the vineyards of an outlying village. The

circumstances of the bereavement were unusually distressing; and

the survivor, new to the peasants and the country, sorely needed

help, being alone with the remains. With some difficulty, but with

the strong influence of a purpose at once gentle, disinterested,

and determined, my friend – Mr. Kindheart – obtained access to the

mourner, and undertook to arrange the burial.

There was a small Protestant cemetery near the city walls, and as

Mr. Kindheart came back to me, he turned into it and chose the

spot. He was always highly flushed when rendering a service

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Categories: Charles Dickens