Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

preparation, in pots, each pot containing a certain quantity of

acid besides, and all the pots being buried in vast numbers, in

layers, under tan, for some ten weeks.

Hopping up ladders, and across planks, and on elevated perches,

until I was uncertain whether to liken myself to a bird or a bricklayer,

I became conscious of standing on nothing particular,

looking down into one of a series of large cocklofts, with the

outer day peeping in through the chinks in the tiled roof above. A

number of women were ascending to, and descending from, this

cockloft, each carrying on the upward journey a pot of prepared

lead and acid, for deposition under the smoking tan. When one

layer of pots was completely filled, it was carefully covered in

with planks, and those were carefully covered with tan again, and

then another layer of pots was begun above; sufficient means of

ventilation being preserved through wooden tubes. Going down into

the cockloft then filling, I found the heat of the tan to be

surprisingly great, and also the odour of the lead and acid to be

not absolutely exquisite, though I believe not noxious at that

stage. In other cocklofts, where the pots were being exhumed, the

heat of the steaming tan was much greater, and the smell was

penetrating and peculiar. There were cocklofts in all stages; full

and empty, half filled and half emptied; strong, active women were

clambering about them busily; and the whole thing had rather the

air of the upper part of the house of some immensely rich old Turk,

whose faithful seraglio were hiding his money because the sultan or

the pasha was coming.

As is the case with most pulps or pigments, so in the instance of

this white-lead, processes of stirring, separating, washing,

grinding, rolling, and pressing succeed. Some of these are

unquestionably inimical to health, the danger arising from

inhalation of particles of lead, or from contact between the lead

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Dickens, Charles – The Uncommercial Traveller

and the touch, or both. Against these dangers, I found good

respirators provided (simply made of flannel and muslin, so as to

be inexpensively renewed, and in some instances washed with scented

soap), and gauntlet gloves, and loose gowns. Everywhere, there was

as much fresh air as windows, well placed and opened, could

possibly admit. And it was explained that the precaution of

frequently changing the women employed in the worst parts of the

work (a precaution originating in their own experience or

apprehension of its ill effects) was found salutary. They had a

mysterious and singular appearance, with the mouth and nose

covered, and the loose gown on, and yet bore out the simile of the

old Turk and the seraglio all the better for the disguise.

At last this vexed white-lead, having been buried and resuscitated,

and heated and cooled and stirred, and separated and washed and

ground, and rolled and pressed, is subjected to the action of

intense fiery heat. A row of women, dressed as above described,

stood, let us say, in a large stone bakehouse, passing on the

baking-dishes as they were given out by the cooks, from hand to

hand, into the ovens. The oven, or stove, cold as yet, looked as

high as an ordinary house, and was full of men and women on

temporary footholds, briskly passing up and stowing away the

dishes. The door of another oven, or stove, about to be cooled and

emptied, was opened from above, for the uncommercial countenance to

peer down into. The uncommercial countenance withdrew itself, with

expedition and a sense of suffocation, from the dull-glowing heat

and the overpowering smell. On the whole, perhaps the going into

these stoves to work, when they are freshly opened, may be the

worst part of the occupation.

But I made it out to be indubitable that the owners of these leadmills

honestly and sedulously try to reduce the dangers of the

occupation to the lowest point.

A washing-place is provided for the women (I thought there might

have been more towels), and a room in which they hang their

clothes, and take their meals, and where they have a good firerange

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Categories: Charles Dickens