Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

“It’s all right,” I said expansively. “These are my friends. Any business I have with your . .. organization we’re in on together … I mean, can be discussed in front of them.”

“Oh, very well.”

The Mob chieftain flounced onto a chair at my table.

“I didn’t mean to be rude, and I do want to meet you all. It’s just that, first thing, there are some pressing matters to deal with.”

“Shoot,” I said, then immediately wished I had chosen another word.

“Well, you know we’re trying to move in on this place, and you know it hasn’t been going well . . . no, don’t deny it. It’s true. Shai-ster has mentioned you often in his reports, so I know how well informed you are.”

“I haven’t seen Shai-ster lately, but I do know he’s been working hard at the project.”

“That’s right.” Aahz chimed in. “From what Skeeve’s been telling us, Shai-ster is a good man. If he can’t pull it off, you might as well pack up and go home.”

“He’s an idiot!” Don Bruce roared, and for a moment we could see the steel inside the velvet glove. “The reason you haven’t seen him is that I’ve pulled him from the project completely. He thought we should give up, too.”

“You aren’t giving up?” I said, fearfully.

“I can’t. Oh, if you only knew what I go through on the Council. I made such a thing out of this Deva project and how much it could do for the Mob. If we pulled out now, it would be the same as saying I don’t know a good thing when I see it. No sir. Call it family politics or stubborn pride, we’re going to stay right here.”

My heart sank.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert