Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

Her honesty was making me more than a little uncomfortable. I wanted to help her, but I sure didn’t want an apprentice right now. I decided to stall.

“Why did you choose magik for a profession, anyway?”

That got me a sad smile.

“You’re sweet, Skeeve, but we were going to be honest with each other, remember? I mean, look at me. What am I supposed to do for a living? Get married and be a housewife? Who would have me? Even a blind man could figure out in no time flat that I was more than he had bargained for … a lot more. I resigned myself to the way I look a long time ago. I accepted it and covered up any embarrassment I felt with loud talk and flamboyant airs. It was only natural that a profession like magik that thrives on loud talk and flamboyant airs would attract me.”

“We aren’t all loud talk,” I said cautiously.

“I know,” she smiled. “You don’t have to act big because you’ve got the clout to deliver what you promise. It impressed me on Jahk, and everyone I talked to at the Bazaar on Deva said the same thing. ‘Skeeve doesn’t strut much, but don’t start a fight with him.’ That’s why I want you for my teacher. I already know how to talk loud.”

Honesty and flattery are a devastating one-two punch. Whatever I thought about her before, right now Massha had me eating out of the palm of her hand. Before I committed myself to anything I might regret later, I decided to try fighting her with her own weapons.

“Massha . . . we’re going to be honest with each other, right? Well, I can’t accept you as an apprentice right now for two reasons. The first is simple. I don’t know that much magik myself. No matter what kind of scam we pull on the paying customers, including the ones on Deva, the truth is that I’m just a student. I’m still learning the business myself.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert