Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

“Don’t tell me you’re handling this all by yourself! I mean I know you’re good, but…”

“Are you kiddin’? I’m an executive now . . . well, at least a team leader. Both Nunzio and me have a dozen men to order around, courtesy of our ‘extensive knowledge of the Bazaar.’ Pretty good, huh?”

“You mean you’re running the whole operation?”

“That’s Shai-ster’s job. Me and Nunzio report to him, but it’s us gives the orders to the boys.”

I looked around expectantly.

“Is your team around? I’d like to meet them.”

“Naw. We worked this area a couple days ago. I’m on my way to meet ’em and give out today’s assignments. We’re going after the area by the livestock pens today.” ‘

“How about Nunzio’s team?”

“They’re about three hours west of here. You know, this is a really big place!”

I put on my most disappointed face.

“Too bad, I would have liked to have met some of the ones who do the real work.”

“Tell ya’ what,” Guido exclaimed, “why don’t you drop by Fat’s Spaghetti Parlor sometimes? That’s where we’re all hanging out. If we’re not there, they can tell you where we are.”

“I’ll do that. Well, don’t work too hard . . . and be careful. These guys can be meaner than they look.”

“Piece of cake,” he laughed as he headed off.

I was still waving merrily at his retreating figure as the rest of my “gang” faded out of the crowd around me.

“Did you get all that?” I asked out of the corner of my mouth.

“Two teams, neither one in this area. Shai-ster’s running the show and therefore holding the bag,” Tananda recited. “This area is both clear and under protection.”

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Categories: Asprin, Robert