Hit or Myth by Robert Asprin

This was supposed to inspire them to settle their difference with a quick compromise. Instead they thanked me for my wisdom, shook hands, and left smiling, presumably to carve up their cat.

It occurred to me, not for the first time today, that many of the citizens of Possiltum don’t have both oars in the water. What anyone could do with half a dead cat, or a whole dead cat for that matter, was beyond me.

Suddenly I was very tired. With an offhanded wave I beckoned the herald forward.

“How many more are waiting out there?” I asked.

“That was the last. We deliberately kept the case load light today so your Majesty could prepare for tomorrow.”


The question slipped out reflexively. Actually, I didn’t really care what happened tomorrow. My assignment was done. I had survived the day, and tomorrow was Rodrick’s problem.

“Yes, tomorrow … when your bride arrives.”

Suddenly I was no longer tired. Not a bit. I was wide awake and listening with every pore.

“My bride?” I asked cautiously.

“Surely your Majesty hasn’t forgotten. She specifically scheduled her arrival so that she would have a week to prepare for your wedding.”

Case load be hanged. Now I knew why dear Rodrick wanted a vacation. I also knew, with cold certainty, that he wouldn’t be back tonight to relieve me of my duties. Not tonight, and maybe not ever.

Chapter Five:

“The only thing worse than a sorcerer is a sorcerer’s apprentice.”


FOR once, I successfully suppressed the urge to panic. I had to! Without Aahz around to hold things together until I calmed down, I couldn’t afford hysterics.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert