Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

I have a great respect for the English language. I am one of its

supporters, its promoters, its elevators. I don’t degrade it. A slip of

the tongue would be the most that you would get from me. I have always

tried hard and faithfully to improve my English and never to degrade it.

I always try to use the best English to describe what I think and what I

feel, or what I don’t feel and what I don’t think.

I am not one of those who in expressing opinions confine themselves to

facts. I don’t know anything that mars good literature so completely as

too much truth. Facts contain a deal of poetry, but you can’t use too

many of them without damaging your literature. I love all literature,

and as long as I am a doctor of literature–I have suggested to you for

twenty years I have been diligently trying to improve my own literature,

and now, by virtue of the University of Oxford, I mean to doctor

everybody else’s.

Now I think I ought to apologize for my clothes. At home I venture

things that I am not permitted by my family to venture in foreign parts.

I was instructed before I left home and ordered to refrain from white

clothes in England. I meant to keep that command fair and clean, and I

would have done it if I had been in the habit of obeying instructions,

but I can’t invent a new process in life right away. I have not had

white clothes on since I crossed the ocean until now.

In these three or four weeks I have grown so tired of gray and black that

you have earned my gratitude in permitting me to come as I have. I wear

white clothes in the depth of winter in my home, but I don’t go out in

the streets in them. I don’t go out to attract too much attention.

I like to attract some, and always I would like to be dressed so that I

may be more conspicuous than anybody else.

If I had been an ancient Briton, I would not have contented myself with

blue paint, but I would have bankrupted the rainbow. I so enjoy gay

clothes in which women clothe themselves that it always grieves me when I

go to the opera to see that, while women look like a flower-bed, the men

are a few gray stumps among them in their black evening dress. These are

two or three reasons why I wish to wear white clothes: When I find

myself in assemblies like this, with everybody in black clothes, I know I

possess something that is superior to everybody else’s. Clothes are

never clean. You don’t know whether they are clean or not, because you

can’t see.

Here or anywhere you must scour your head every two or three days or it

is full of grit. Your clothes must collect just as much dirt as your

hair. If you wear white clothes you are clean, and your cleaning bill

gets so heavy that you have to take care. I am proud to say that I can

wear a white suit of clothes without a blemish for three days. If you

need any further instruction in the matter of clothes I shall be glad to

give it to you. I hope I have convinced some of you that it is just as

well to wear white clothes as any other kind. I do not want to boast.

I only want to make you understand that you are not clean.

As to age, the fact that I am nearly seventy-two years old does not

clearly indicate how old I am, because part of every day–it is with me

as with you, you try to describe your age, and you cannot do it.

Sometimes you are only fifteen; sometimes you are twenty-five. It is

very seldom in a day that I am seventy-two years old. I am older now

sometimes than I was when I used to rob orchards; a thing which I would

not do to-day–if the orchards were watched. I am so glad to be here to-

night. I am so glad to renew with the Savages that now ancient time when

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Categories: Twain, Mark