Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

something that I had never hoped for, and now that he is dead I never

hope to be able to do it again.



Col. William L. Brown, the former editor of the Daily News, as

president of the club, introduced Mr. Clemens as the principal

ornament of American literature.

I must say that I have already begun to regret that I left my gun at

home. I’ve said so many times when a chairman has distressed me with

just such compliments that the next time such a thing occurs I will

certainly use a gun on that chairman. It is my privilege to compliment

him in return. You behold before you a very, very old man. A cursory

glance at him would deceive the most penetrating. His features seem to

reveal a person dead to all honorable instincts–they seem to bear the

traces of all the known crimes, instead of the marks of a life spent for

the most part, and now altogether, in the Sunday-school of a life that

may well stand as an example to all generations that have risen or will

riz–I mean to say, will rise. His private character is altogether

suggestive of virtues which to all appearances he has got. If you

examine his past history you will find it as deceptive as his features,

because it is marked all over with waywardness and misdemeanor–mere

effects of a great spirit upon a weak body–mere accidents of a great

career. In his heart he cherishes every virtue on the list of virtues,

and he practises them all–secretly–always secretly. You all know him

so well that there is no need for him to be introduced here. Gentlemen,

Colonel Brown.




Mr. Clemens was introduced by the president of the club, who,

quoting from the Mark Twain autobiography, recalled the day

when the distinguished writer came to New York with $3 in small

change in his pockets and a $10 bill sewed in his clothes.

It seems to me that I was around here in the neighborhood of the Public

Library about fifty or sixty years ago. I don’t deny the circumstance,

although I don’t see how you got it out of my autobiography, which was

not to be printed until I am dead, unless I’m dead now. I had that $3 in

change, and I remember well the $10 which was sewed in my coat. I have

prospered since. Now I have plenty of money and a disposition to

squander it, but I can’t. One of those trust companies is taking care of


Now, as this is probably the last time that I shall be out after

nightfall this winter, I must say that I have come here with a mission,

and I would make my errand of value.

Many compliments have been paid to Mr. Carnegie to-night. I was

expecting them. They are very gratifying to me.

I have been a guest of honor myself, and I know what Mr. Carnegie is

experiencing now. It is embarrassing to get compliments and compliments

and only compliments, particularly when he knows as well as the rest of

us that on the other side of him there are all sorts of things worthy of

our condemnation.

Just look at Mr. Carnegie’s face. It is fairly scintillating with

fictitious innocence. You would think, looking at him, that he had never

committed a crime in his life. But no–look at his pestiferious

simplified spelling. You can’t any of you imagine what a crime that has

been. Torquemada was nothing to Mr. Carnegie. That old fellow shed some

blood in the Inquisition, but Mr. Carnegie has brought destruction to the

entire race. I know he didn’t mean it to be a crime, but it was, just

the same. He’s got us all so we can’t spell anything.

The trouble with him is that he attacked orthography at the wrong end.

He meant well, but he, attacked the symptoms and not the cause of the

disease. He ought to have gone to work on the alphabet. There’s not a

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Categories: Twain, Mark