Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

I have not sufficiently mastered German, to allow my using it with

impunity. My collection of fourteen-syllable German words is still

incomplete. But I have just added to that collection a jewel–

a veritable jewel. I found it in a telegram from Linz, and it contains

ninety-five letters:



If I could get a similar word engraved upon my tombstone I should sleep

beneath it in peace.





I would have travelled a much greater distance than I have come to

witness the paying of honors to Doctor Holmes; for my feeling toward him

has always been one of peculiar warmth. When one receives a letter from

a great man for the first time in his life, it is a large event to him,

as all of you know by your own experience. You never can receive letters

enough from famous men afterward to obliterate that one, or dim the

memory of the pleasant surprise it was, and the gratification it gave

you. Lapse of time cannot make it commonplace or cheap.

Well, the first great man who ever wrote me a letter was our guest–

Oliver Wendell Holmes. He was also the first great literary man I ever

stole anything from–and that is how I came to write to him and he to me.

When my first book was new, a friend of mine said to me, “The dedication

is very neat.” Yes, I said, I thought it was. My friend said, “I always

admired it, even before I saw it in The Innocents Abroad.” I naturally

said: “What do you mean? Where did you ever see it before?” “Well, I

saw it first some years ago as Doctor Holmes’s dedication to his Songs in

Many Keys.” Of course, my first impulse was to prepare this man’s

remains for burial, but upon reflection I said I would reprieve him for a

moment or two and give him a chance to prove his assertion if he could:

We stepped into a book-store, and he did prove it. I had really stolen

that dedication, almost word for word. I could not imagine how this

curious thing had happened; for I knew one thing–that a certain amount

of pride always goes along with a teaspoonful of brains, and that this

pride protects a man from deliberately stealing other people’s ideas.

That is what a teaspoonful of brains will do for a man–and admirers had

often told me I had nearly a basketful–though they were rather reserved

as to the size of the basket.

However, I thought the thing out, and solved the mystery. Two years

before, I had been laid up a couple of weeks in the Sandwich Islands, and

had read and re-read Doctor Holmes’s poems till my mental reservoir was

filled up with them to the brim. The dedication lay on the top, and

handy, so, by-and-by, I unconsciously stole it. Perhaps I unconsciously

stole the rest of the volume, too, for many people have told me that my

book was pretty poetical, in one way or another. Well, of course, I

wrote Doctor Holmes and told him I hadn’t meant to steal, and he wrote

back and said in the kindest way that it was all right and no harm done;

and added that he believed we all unconsciously worked over ideas

gathered in reading and hearing, imagining they were original with

ourselves. He stated a truth, and did it in such a pleasant way, and

salved over my sore spot so gently and so healingly, that I was rather

glad I had committed the crime, far the sake of the letter. I afterward

called on him and told him to make perfectly free with any ideas of mine

that struck him as being good protoplasm for poetry. He could see by

that that there wasn’t anything mean about me; so we got along right from

the start. I have not met Doctor Holmes many times since; and lately he

said– However, I am wandering wildly away from the one thing which I got

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Categories: Twain, Mark