Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

always keep your youth.



OCTOBER 28, 1908

Suppose this library had been in operation a few weeks ago, and the

burglars who happened along and broke into my house–taking a lot of

things they didn’t need, and for that matter which I didn’t need–had

first made entry into this institution.

Picture them seated here on the floor, poring by the light of their dark-

lanterns over some of the books they found, and thus absorbing moral

truths and getting a moral uplift. The whole course of their lives would

have been changed. As it was, they kept straight on in their immoral way

and were sent to jail.

For all we know, they may next be sent to Congress.

And, speaking of burglars, let us not speak of them too harshly. Now, I

have known so many burglars–not exactly known, but so many of them have

come near me in my various dwelling-places, that I am disposed to allow

them credit for whatever good qualities they possess.

Chief among these, and, indeed, the only one I just now think of, is

their great care while doing business to avoid disturbing people’s sleep.

Noiseless as they may be while at work, however, the effect of their

visitation is to murder sleep later on.

Now we are prepared for these visitors. All sorts of alarm devices have

been put in the house, and the ground for half a mile around it has been

electrified. The burglar who steps within this danger zone will set

loose a bedlam of sounds, and spring into readiness for action our

elaborate system of defences. As for the fate of the trespasser, do not

seek to know that. He will never be heard of more.



JUNE, 1899

Mr. Clemens was introduced by Sir Walter Besant.

It does not embarrass me to hear my books praised so much. It only

pleases and delights me. I have not gone beyond the age when

embarrassment is possible, but I have reached the age when I know how to

conceal it. It is such a satisfaction to me to hear Sir Walter Besant,

who is much more capable than I to judge of my work, deliver a judgment

which is such a contentment to my spirit.

Well, I have thought well of the books myself, but I think more of them

now. It charms me also to hear Sir Spencer Walpole deliver a similar

judgment, and I shall treasure his remarks also. I shall not discount

the praises in any possible way. When I report them to my family they

shall lose nothing. There are, however, certain heredities which come

down to us which our writings of the present day may be traced to.

I, for instance, read the Walpole Letters when I was a boy. I absorbed

them, gathered in their grace, wit, and humor, and put them away to be

used by-and-by. One does that so unconsciously with things one really

likes. I am reminded now of what use those letters have been to me.

They must not claim credit in America for what was really written in

another form so long ago. They must only claim that I trimmed this,

that, and the other, and so changed their appearance as to make them seem

to be original. You now see what modesty I have in stock. But it has

taken long practice to get it there.

But I must not stand here talking. I merely meant to get up and give my

thanks for the pleasant things that preceding speakers have said of me.

I wish also to extend my thanks to the Authors’ Club for constituting me

a member, at a reasonable price per year, and for giving me the benefit

of your legal adviser.

I believe you keep a lawyer. I have always kept a lawyer, too, though I

have never made anything out of him. It is service to an author to have

a lawyer. There is something so disagreeable in having a personal

contact with a publisher. So it is better to work through a lawyer–and

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Categories: Twain, Mark