Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

you deserve to have all you are going to get. But here is an innocent

man. Bishop had never done you any harm, and see what you have done to

him. He can never hold his head up again. The world can never look upon

Bishop as being a live person. He is a corpse.”

That is the history of that episode of twenty-eight years ago, which

pretty nearly killed me with shame during that first year or two whenever

it forced its way into my mind.

Now then, I take that speech up and examine it. As I said, it arrived

this morning, from Boston. I have read it twice, and unless I am an

idiot, it hasn’t a single defect in it from the first word to the last.

It is just as good as good can be. It is smart; it is saturated with

humor. There isn’t a suggestion of coarseness or vulgarity in it

anywhere. What could have been the matter with that house? It is

amazing, it is incredible, that they didn’t shout with laughter, and

those deities the loudest of them all. Could the fault have been with

me? Did I lose courage when I saw those great men up there whom I was

going to describe in such a strange fashion? If that happened, if I

showed doubt, that can account for it, for you can’t be successfully

funny if you show that you are afraid of it. Well, I can’t account for

it, but if I had those beloved and revered old literary immortals back

here now on the platform at Carnegie Hall I would take that same old

speech, deliver it, word for word, and melt them till they’d run all over

that stage. Oh, the fault must have been with me, it is not in the

speech at all.




On calling upon Mr. Clemens to make response,

President Rollins said:

“This sentiment has been assigned to one who was never exactly

born in New England, nor, perhaps, were any of his ancestors.

He is not technically, therefore, of New England descent.

Under the painful circumstances in which he has found himself,

however, he has done the best he could–he has had all his

children born there, and has made of himself a New England

ancestor. He is a self-made man. More than this, and better

even, in cheerful, hopeful, helpful literature he is of New

England ascent. To ascend there in any thing that’s reasonable

is difficult; for–confidentially, with the door shut–we all

know that they are the brightest, ablest sons of that goodly

land who never leave it, and it is among and above them that

Mr. Twain has made his brilliant and permanent ascent–become

a man of mark.”

I rise to protest. I have kept still for years; but really I think there

is no sufficient justification for this sort of thing. What do you want

to celebrate those people for?–those ancestors of yours of 1620–the

Mayflower tribe, I mean. What do you want to celebrate them for? Your

pardon: the gentleman at my left assures me that you are not celebrating

the Pilgrims themselves, but the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth rock

on the 22d of December. So you are celebrating their landing. Why, the

other pretext was thin enough, but this is thinner than ever; the other

was tissue, tinfoil, fish-bladder, but this is gold-leaf. Celebrating

their lauding! What was there remarkable about it, I would like to know?

What can you be thinking of? Why, those Pilgrims had been at sea three

or four months. It was the very middle of winter: it was as cold as

death off Cape Cod there. Why shouldn’t they come ashore? If they

hadn’t landed there would be some reason for celebrating the fact: It

would have been a case of monumental leatherheadedness which the world

would not willingly let die. If it had been you, gentlemen, you probably

wouldn’t have landed, but you have no shadow of right to be celebrating,

in your ancestors, gifts which they did not exercise, but only

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Categories: Twain, Mark