Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

swept over us all when Joan of Arc fell at Waterloo. Who does not sorrow

for the loss of Sappho, the sweet singer of Israel? Who among us does

not miss the gentle ministrations, the softening influences, the humble

piety of Lucretia Borgia? Who can join in the heartless libel that says

woman is extravagant in dress when he can look back and call to mind our

simple and lowly mother Eve arrayed in her modification of the Highland

costume? Sir, women have been soldiers, women have been painters, women

have been poets. As long as language lives the name of Cleopatra will

live. And not because she conquered George III.–but because she wrote

those divine lines:

Let dogs delight to bark and bite,

For God hath made them so.”

The story of the world is adorned with the names of illustrious ones of

our own sex–some of, them sons of St. Andrew, too–Scott, Bruce, Burns,

the warrior Wallace, Ben Nevis–the gifted Ben Lomond, and the great new

Scotchman, Ben Disraeli. –[Mr. Benjamin Disraeli, at that time Prime

Minister of England, had just been elected Lord Rector of Glasgow

University, and had made a speech which gave rise to a world of

discussion]– Out of the great plains of history tower whole mountain

ranges of sublime women: the Queen of Sheba, Josephine, Semiramis, Sairey

Gamp; the list is endless–but I will not call the mighty roll, the names

rise up in your own memories at the mere suggestion, luminous with the

glory of deeds that cannot die, hallowed by the loving worship of the

good and the true of all epochs and all climes. Suffice it for our pride

and our honor that we in our day have added to it such names as those of

Grace Darling and Florence Nightingale. Woman is all that she should be

gentle, patient, longsuffering, trustful, unselfish, full of generous

impulses. It is her blessed mission to comfort the sorrowing, plead for

the erring, encourage the faint of purpose, succor the distressed, uplift

the fallen, befriend the friendless–in a word, afford the healing of her

sympathies and a home in her heart for all the bruised and persecuted

children that knock at its hospitable door. And when I say, God bless

her, there is none among us who has known the ennobling affection of a

wife, or the steadfast devotion of a mother but in his heart will say,



On October 27, 1900, the New York Woman’s Press Club gave a tea

in Carnegie Hall. Mr. Clemens was the guest of honor.

If I were asked an opinion I would call this an ungrammatical nation.

There is no such thing as perfect grammar, and I don’t always speak good

grammar myself. But I have been foregathering for the past few days with

professors of American universities, and I’ve heard them all say things

like this: “He don’t like to do it.” [There was a stir.] Oh, you’ll hear

that to-night if you listen, or, “He would have liked to have done it.”

You’ll catch some educated Americans saying that. When these men take

pen in hand they write with as good grammar as any. But the moment they

throw the pen aside they throw grammatical morals aside with it.

To illustrate the desirability and possibility of concentration, I must

tell you a story of my little six-year-old daughter. The governess had

been teaching her about the reindeer, and, as the custom was, she related

it to the family. She reduced the history of that reindeer to two or

three sentences when the governess could not have put it into a page.

She said: “The reindeer is a very swift animal. A reindeer once drew a

sled four hundred miles in two hours.” She appended the comment: “This

was regarded as extraordinary.” And concluded: “When that reindeer was

done drawing that sled four hundred miles in two hours it died.”

As a final instance of the force of limitations in the development of

concentration, I must mention that beautiful creature, Helen Keller, whom

I have known for these many years. I am filled with the wonder of her

knowledge, acquired because shut out from all distraction. If I could

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Categories: Twain, Mark