Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

what was the consequence? The Union was preserved. This is the first

time I believe that that secret has ever been revealed.

No one outside of the family circle, I think, knew it before; but there

the facts are. Watterson saved the Union; yes, he saved the Union. And

yet there he sits, and not a step has been taken or a movement made

toward granting him a pension. That is the way things are done. It is a

case where some blushing ought to be done. You ought to blush, and I

ought to blush, and he–well, he’s a little out of practice now.



Mr. Clemens had been asked to address the association by Gen.

Frederick D. Grant, president. He was offered a fee of $1,000,

but refused it, saying:

“I shall be glad to do it, but I must stipulate that you keep

the $1,000, and add it to the Memorial Fund as my contribution

to erect a monument in New York to the memory of the man who

applied steam to navigation.”

At this meeting Mr. Clemens made this formal announcement from

the platform:

“This is my last appearance on the paid platform. I shall not

retire from the gratis platform until I am buried, and courtesy

will compel me to keep still and not disturb the others. Now,

since I must, I shall say good-bye. I see many faces in this

audience well known to me. They are all my friends, and I feel

that those I don’t know are my friends, too. I wish to

consider that you represent the nation, and that in saying

good-bye to you I am saying good-bye to the nation. In the

great name of humanity, let me say this final word: I offer an

appeal in behalf of that vast, pathetic multitude of fathers,

mothers, and helpless little children. They were sheltered and

happy two days ago. Now they are wandering, forlorn, hopeless,

and homeless, the victims of a great disaster. So I beg of

you, I beg of you, to open your hearts and open your purses and

remember San Francisco, the smitten city.”

I wish to deliver a historical address. I’ve been studying the history

of—er–a–let me see–a [then he stopped in confusion, and walked over

to Gen. Fred D. Grant, who sat at the head of the platform. He leaned

over an a whisper, and then returned to the front of the stage and

continued]. Oh yes! I’ve been studying Robert Fulton. I’ve been

studying a biographical sketch of Robert Fulton, the inventor of–er–a–

let’s see–ah yes, the inventor of the electric telegraph and the Morse

sewing–machine. Also, I understand he invented the air–diria–pshaw!

I have it at last–the dirigible balloon. Yes, the dirigible–but it is

a difficult word, and I don’t see why anybody should marry a couple of

words like that when they don’t want to be married at all and are likely

to quarrel with each other all the time. I should put that couple of

words under the ban of the United States Supreme Court, under its

decision of a few days ago, and take ’em out and drown ’em.

I used to know Fulton. It used to do me good to see him dashing through

tile town on a wild broncho.

And Fulton was born in—er–a–Well, it doesn’t make much difference

where he was born, does it? I remember a man who came to interview me

once, to get a sketch of my life. I consulted with a friend–a practical

man–before he came, to know how I should treat him.

“Whenever you give the interviewer a fact,” he said, “give him another

fact that will contradict it. Then he’ll go away with a jumble that he

can’t use at all. Be gentle, be sweet, smile like an idiot–just be

natural.” That’s what my friend told me to do, and I did it.

“Where were you born?” asked the interviewer.

“Well-er-a,” I began, “I was born in Alabama, or Alaska, or the Sandwich

Islands; I don’t know where, but right around there somewhere. And you

had better put it down before you forget it.”

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Categories: Twain, Mark