Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

menterry acrost the front And the color i woodent Trubble you but it

belonged to my brothers wife and she is Mad about it i thoght she was

willin but she want she says she want done with it and she was going to

Wear it a Spell longer she ant so free harted as what i am and she Has

got more to do with Than i have having a Husband to Work and slave For

her i gels you remember Me I am shot and stout and light complected i

torked with you quite a spell about the suffrars and said it was orful

about that erth quake I shoodent wondar if they had another one rite off

seeine general Condision of the country is Kind of Explossive i hate to

take that Black dress away from the suffrars but i will hunt round And

see if i can get another One if i can i will call to the armerry for it

if you will jest lay it asside so no more at present from your True


i liked your

appearance very Much”

Now you see what simplified spelling can do.

It can convey any fact you need to convey; and it can pour out emotions

like a sewer. I beg you, I beseech you, to adopt our spelling, and print

all your despatches in it.

Now I wish to say just one entirely serious word:

I have reached a time of life, seventy years and a half, where none of

the concerns of this world have much interest for me personally. I think

I can speak dispassionately upon this matter, because in the little while

that I have got to remain here I can get along very well with these old-

fashioned forms, and I don’t propose to make any trouble about it at all.

I shall soon be where they won’t care how I spell so long as I keep the


There are eighty-two millions of us people that use this orthography, and

it ought to be simplified in our behalf, but it is kept in its present

condition to satisfy one million people who like to have their literature

in the old form. That looks to me to be rather selfish, and we keep the

forms as they are while we have got one million people coming in here

from foreign countries every year and they have got to struggle with this

orthography of ours, and it keeps them back and damages their citizenship

for years until they learn to spell the language, if they ever do learn.

This is merely sentimental argument.

People say it is the spelling of Chaucer and Spencer and Shakespeare and

a lot of other people who do not know how to spell anyway, and it has

been transmitted to us and we preserved it and wish to preserve it

because of its ancient and hallowed associations.

Now, I don’t see that there is any real argument about that. If that

argument is good, then it would be a good argument not to banish the

flies and the cockroaches from hospitals because they have been there so

long that the patients have got used to them and they feel a tenderness

for them on account of the associations. Why, it is like preserving a

cancer in a family because it is a family cancer, and we are bound to it

by the test of affection and reverence and old, mouldy antiquity.

I think that this declaration to improve this orthography of ours is our

family cancer, and I wish we could reconcile ourselves to have it cut out

and let the family cancer go.

Now, you see before you the wreck and ruin of what was once a young

person like yourselves. I am exhausted by the heat of the day. I must

take what is left of this wreck and run out of your presence and carry it

away to my home and spread it out there and sleep the sleep of the

righteous. There is nothing much left of me but my age and my

righteousness, but I leave with you my love and my blessing, and may you

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Categories: Twain, Mark