Mark Twain’s Speeches by Mark Twain

think about the unhappy episode. I resisted that. I tried to get it out

of my mind, and let it die, and I succeeded. Until Mrs. H.’s letter

came, it had been a good twenty-five years since I had thought of that

matter; and when she said that the thing was funny I wondered if possibly

she might be right. At any rate, my curiosity was aroused, and I wrote

to Boston and got the whole thing copied, as above set forth.

I vaguely remember some of the details of that gathering–dimly I can see

a hundred people–no, perhaps fifty–shadowy figures sitting at tables

feeding, ghosts now to me, and nameless forevermore. I don’t know who

they were, but I can very distinctly see, seated at the grand table and

facing the rest of us, Mr. Emerson, supernaturally grave, unsmiling;

Mr. Whittier, grave, lovely, his beautiful spirit shining out of his

face; Mr. Longfellow, with his silken white hair and his benignant face;

Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, flashing smiles and affection and all good-

fellowship everywhere like a rose-diamond whose facets are being turned

toward the light first one way and then another–a charming man, and

always fascinating, whether he was talking or whether he was sitting

still (what he would call still, but what would be more or less motion to

other people). I can see those figures with entire distinctness across

this abyss of time.

One other feature is clear–Willie Winter (for these past thousand years

dramatic editor of the New York Tribune, and still occupying that high

post in his old age) was there. He was much younger then than he is now,

and he showed ‘it. It was always a pleasure to me to see Willie Winter

at a banquet. During a matter of twenty years I was seldom at a banquet

where Willie Winter was not also present, and where he did not read a

charming poem written for the occasion. He did it this time, and it was

up to standard: dainty, happy, choicely phrased, and as good to listen to

as music, and sounding exactly as if it was pouring unprepared out of

heart and brain.

Now at that point ends all that was pleasurable about that notable

celebration of Mr. Whittier’s seventieth birthday–because I got up at

that point and followed Winter, with what I have no doubt I supposed

would be the gem of the evening–the gay oration above quoted from the

Boston paper. I had written it all out the day before and had perfectly

memorized it, and I stood up there at my genial and happy and self-

satisfied ease, and began to deliver it. Those majestic guests; that row

of venerable and still active volcanoes, listened; as did everybody else

in the house, with attentive interest. Well, I delivered myself of–

we’ll say the first two hundred words of my speech. I was expecting no

returns from that part of the speech, but this was not the case as

regarded the rest of it. I arrived now at the dialogue: “The old miner

said, ‘You are the fourth, I’m going to move.’ ‘The fourth what?’ said

I. He answered, ‘The fourth littery man that has been here in twenty-

four hours. I am going to move.’ ‘Why, you don’t tell me;’ said I.

‘Who were the others?’ “Mr. Longfellow, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Oliver Wendell

Holmes, consound the lot–‘”

Now, then, the house’s attention continued, but the expression of

interest in the faces turned to a sort of black frost. I wondered what

the trouble was. I didn’t know. I went on, but with difficulty–

I struggled along, and entered upon that miner’s fearful description of

the bogus Emerson, the bogus Holmes, the bogus Longfellow, always hoping

–but with a gradually perishing hope that somebody–would laugh, or that

somebody would at least smile, but nobody did. I didn’t know enough to

give it up and sit down, I was too new to public speaking, and so I went

on with this awful performance, and carried it clear through to the end,

in front of a body of people who seemed turned to stone with horror.

It was the sort of expression their faces would have worn if I had been

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Categories: Twain, Mark