Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

Chapter 26 The Last Doubts Scattered

THIS TIME, as before, the King’s last command to the generals

was this: “See to it that you do nothing without the sanction of the

Maid.” And this time the command was obeyed; and would

continue to be obeyed all through the coming great days of the

Loire campaign.

That was a change! That was new! It broke the traditions. It shows

you what sort of a reputation as a commander-in-chief the child

had made for herself in ten days in the field. It was a conquering of

men’s doubts and suspicions and a capturing and solidifying of

men’s belief and confidence such as the grayest veteran on the

Grand Staff had not been able to achieve in thirty years. Don’t you

remember that when at sixteen Joan conducted her own case in a

grim court of law and won it, the old judge spoke of her as “this

marvelous child”? It was the right name, you see.

These veterans were not going to branch out and do things without

the sanction of the Maid–that is true; and it was a great gain. But

at the same time there were some among them who still trembled

at her new and dashing war tactics and earnestly desired to modify

them. And so, during the 10th, while Joan was slaving away at her

plans and issuing order after order with tireless industry, the

old-time consultations and arguings and speechifyings were going

on among certain of the generals.

In the afternoon of that day they came in a body to hold one of

these councils of war; and while they waited for Joan to join them

they discussed the situation. Now this discussion is not set down in

the histories; but I was there, and I will speak of it, as knowing you

will trust me, I not being given to beguiling you with lies.

Gautier de Brusac was spokesman for the timid ones; Joan’s side

was resolutely upheld by d’Alen‡on, the Bastard, La Hire, the

Admiral of France, the Marshal de Boussac, and all the other really

important chiefs.

De Brusac argued that the situation was very grave; that Jargeau,

the first point of attack, was formidably strong; its imposing walls

bristling with artillery; with seven thousand picked English

veterans behind them, and at their head the great Earl of Suffolk

and his two redoubtable brothers, the De la Poles. It seemed to him

that the proposal of Joan of Arc to try to take such a place by storm

was a most rash and over-daring idea, and she ought to be

persuaded to relinquish it in favor of the soberer and safer

procedure of investment by regular siege. It seemed to him that

this fiery and furious new fashion of hurling masses of men against

impregnable walls of stone, in defiance of the established laws and

usages of war, was–

But he got no further. La Hire gave his plumed helm an impatient

toss and burst out with:

“By God, she knows her trade, and none can teach it her!”

And before he could get out anything more, D’Alen‡on was on his

feet, and the Bastard of Orleans, and a half a dozen others, all

thundering at once, and pouring out their indignant displeasure

upon any and all that mid hold, secretly or publicly, distrust of the

wisdom of the Commander-in-Chief. And when they had said their

say, La Hire took a chance again, and said:

“There are some that never know how to change. Circumstances

may change, but those people are never able to see that they have

got to change too, to meet those circumstances. All that they know

is the one beaten track that their fathers and grandfathers have

followed and that they themselves have followed in their turn. If

an earthquake come and rip the land to chaos, and that beaten

track now lead over precipices and into morasses, those people

can’t learn that they must strike out a new road–no; they will

march stupidly along and follow the old one, to death and

perdition. Men, there’s a new state of things; and a surpassing

military genius has perceived it with her clear eye. And a new road

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Categories: Twain, Mark