Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

appeared the enthusiasm broke forth. They rode side by side, he a

great figure of brawn and muscle, she a little masterwork of

roundness and grace; he a fortress of rusty iron, she a shining

statuette of silver; and when the reformed raiders and bandits

caught sight of them they spoke out, with affection and welcome

in their voices, and said:

“There they come–Satan and the Page of Christ!”

All the three days that we were in Blois, Joan worked earnestly

and tirelessly to bring La Hire to God–to rescue him from the

bondage of sin–to breathe into his stormy hear the serenity and

peace of religion. She urged, she begged, she implored him to

pray. He stood out, three days of our stay, begging about piteously

to be let off–to be let off from just that one thing, that impossible

thing; he would do anything else–anything–command, and he

would obey–he would go through the fire for her if she said the

word–but spare him this, only this, for he couldn’t pray, had never

prayed, he was ignorant of how to frame a prayer, he had no words

to put it in.

And yet–can any believe it?–she carried even that point, she won

that incredible victory. She made La Hire pray. It shows, I think,

that nothing was impossible to Joan of Arc. Yes, he stood there

before her and put up his mailed hands and made a prayer. And it

was not borrowed, but was his very own; he had none to help him

frame it, he made it out of his own head–saying:

“Fair Sir God, I pray you to do by La Hire as he would do by you if

you were La Hire and he were God.” [1]

Then he put on his helmet and marched out of Joan’s tent as

satisfied with himself as any one might be who had arranged a

perplexed and difficult business to the content and admiration of

all the parties concerned in the matter.

If I had know that he had been praying, I could have understood

why he was feeling so superior, but of course I could not know


I was coming to the tent at that moment, and saw him come out,

and saw him march away in that large fashion, and indeed it was

fine and beautiful to see. But when I got to the tent door I stopped

and stepped back, grieved and shocked, for I heard Joan crying, as

I mistakenly thought–crying as if she could not contain nor endure

the anguish of her soul, crying as if she would die. But it was not

so, she was laughing–laughing at La Hire’s prayer.

It was not until six-and-thirty years afterward that I found that out,

and then–oh, then I only cried when that picture of young care-free

mirth rose before me out of the blur and mists of that

long-vanished time; for there had come a day between, when God’s

good gift of laughter had gone out from me to come again no more

in this life.

[1] This prayer has been stolen many times and by many nations in

the past four hundred and sixty years, but it originated with La

Hire, and the fact is of official record in the National Archives of

France. We have the authority of Michelet for this. —


Chapter 13 Checked by the Folly of the Wise

WE MARCHED out in great strength and splendor, and took the

road toward Orleans. The initial part of Joan’s great dream was

realizing itself at last. It was the first time that any of us youngsters

had ever seen an army, and it was a most stately and imposing

spectacle to us. It was indeed an inspiring sight, that interminable

column, stretching away into the fading distances, and curving

itself in and out of the crookedness of the road like a mighty

serpent. Joan rode at the head of it with her personal staff; then

came a body of priests singing the Veni Creator, the banner of the

Cross rising out of their midst; after these the glinting forest of

spears. The several divisions were commanded by the great

Armagnac generals, La Hire, and Marshal de Boussac, the Sire de

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Categories: Twain, Mark