Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

the man flat. What his idea of straightening up was, was his own


We followed the veteran to headquarters, listening, observing,

admiring–yes, devouring, you may say, the pet hero of the boys of

France from our cradles up to that happy day, and their idol and

ours. I called to mind how Joan had once rebuked the Paladin,

there in the pastures of Domremy, for uttering lightly those mighty

names, La Hire and the Bastard of Orleans, and how she said that

if she could but be permitted to stand afar off and let her eyes rest

once upon those great men, she would hold it a privilege. They

were to her and the other girls just what they were to the boys.

Well, here was one of them at last–and what was his errand? It

was hard to realize it, and yet it was true; he was coming to

uncover his head before her and take her orders.

While he was quieting a considerable group of his brigands in his

soothing way, near headquarters, we stepped on ahead and got a

glimpse of Joan’s military family, the great chiefs of the army, for

they had all arrived now. There they were, six officers of wide

renown, handsome men in beautiful armor, but the Lord High

Admiral of France was the handsomest of them all and had the

most gallant bearing.

When La Hire entered, one could see the surprise in his face at

Joan’s beauty and extreme youth, and one could see, too, by Joan’s

glad smile, that it made her happy to get sight of this hero of her

childhood at last. La Hire bowed low, with his helmet in his

gauntleted hand, and made a bluff but handsome little speech with

hardly an oath in it, and one could see that those two took to each

other on the spot.

The visit of ceremony was soon over, and the others went away;

but La Hire stayed, and he and Joan sat there, and he sipped her

wine, and they talked and laughed together like old friends. And

presently she gave him some instructions, in his quality as master

of the camp, which made his breath stand still. For, to begin with,

she said that all those loose women must pack out of the place at

once, she wouldn’t allow one of them to remain. Next, the rough

carousing must stop, drinking must be brought within proper and

strictly defined limits, and discipline must take the place of

disorder. And finally she cloiimaxed the list of surprises with

this–which nearly lifted him out of his armor:

“Every man who joins my standard must confess before the priest

and absolve himself from sin; and all accepted recruits must be

present at divine service twice a day.”

La Hire could not say a word for a good part of a minute, then he

said, in deep dejection:

“Oh, sweet child, they were littered in hell, these poor darlings of

mine! Attend mass? Why, dear heart, they’ll see us both damned


And he went on, pouring out a most pathetic stream of arguments

and blasphemy, which broke Joan all up, and made her laugh as

she had not laughed since she played in the Domremy pastures. It

was good to hear.

But she stuck to her point; so the soldier yielded, and said all right,

if such were the orders he must obey, and would do the best that

was in him; then he refreshed himself with a lurid explosion of

oaths, and said that if any man in the camp refused to renounce sin

and lead a pious life, he would knock his head off. That started

Joan off again; she was really having a good time, you see. But she

would not consent to that form of conversions. She said they must

be voluntary.

La Hire said that that was all right, he wasn’t going to kill the

voluntary ones, but only the others.

No matter, none of them must be killed–Joan couldn’t have it. She

said that to give a man a chance to volunteer, on pain of death if he

didn’t, left him more or less trammeled, and she wanted him to be

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Categories: Twain, Mark