Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

tranquil, and quite at her ease. She called no witnesses, saying she

would content herself with examining the witnesses for the

prosecution. When they had testified, she rose and reviewed their

testimony in a few words, pronounced it vague, confused, and of

no force, then she placed the Paladin again on the stand and began

to search him. His previous testimony went rag by rag to ruin

under her ingenious hands, until at last he stood bare, so to speak,

he that had come so richly clothed in fraud and falsehood. His

counsel began an argument, but the court declined to hear it, and

threw out the case, adding a few words of grave compliment for

Joan, and referring to her as “this marvelous child.”

After this victory, with this high praise from so imposing a source

added, the fickle village turned again, and gave Joan countenance,

compliment, and peace. Her mother took her back to her heart, and

even her father relented and said he was proud of her. But the time

hung heavy on her hands, nevertheless, for the siege of Orleans

was begun, the clouds lowered darker and darker over France, and

still her Voices said wait, and gave her no direct commands. The

winter set in, and wore tgediously along; but at last there was a



Chapter 1 Joan Says Good-By

THE 5th of January, 1429, Joan came to me with her uncle Laxart,

and said:

“The time is come. My Voices are not vague now, but clear, and

they have told me what to do. In two months I shall be with the


Her spirits were high, and her bearing martial. I caught the

infection and felt a great impulse stirring in me that was like what

one feels when he hears the roll of the drums and the tramp of

marching men.

“I believe it,” I said.

“I also believe it,” said Laxart. “If she had told me before, that she

was commanded of God to rescue France, I should not have

believed; I should have let her seek the governor by her own ways

and held myself clear of meddling in the matter, not doubting she

was mad. But I have seen her stand before those nobles and might

men unafraid, and say her say; and she had not been able to do that

but by the help of God. That I know. Therefore with all

humbleness I am at her command, to do with me as she will.”

“My uncle is very good to me,” Joan said. “I sent and asked him to

come and persuade my mother to let him take me home with him

to tend his wife, who is not well. It is arranged, and we go at dawn

to-morrow. From his house I shall go soon to Vaucouleurs, and

wait and strive until my prayer is granted. Who were the two

cavaliers who sat to your left at the governor’s table that day?”

“One was the Sieur Jean de Novelonpont de Metz, the other the

Sieur Bertrand de Poulengy.”

“Good metal–good metal, both. I marked them for men of mine. . .

. What is it I see in your face? Doubt?”

I was teaching myself to speak the truth to her, not trimming it or

polishing it; so I said:

“They considered you out of your head, and said so. It is true they

pitied you for being in such misfortune, but still they held you to

be mad.”

This did not seem to trouble her in any way or wound her. She

only said:

“The wise change their minds when they perceive that they have

been in error. These will. They will march with me. I shall see

them presently. . . . You seem to doubt again? Do you doubt?”

“N-no. Not now. I was remembering that it was a year ago, and

that they did not belong here, but only chanced to stop a day on

their journey.”

“They will come again. But as to matters now in hand; I came to

leave with you some instructions. You will follow me in a few

days. Order your affairs, for you will be absent long.”

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Categories: Twain, Mark