Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

brought was notice from the English to Joan that they would

presently catch her and burn her if she did not clear out now while

she had a chance, and “go back to her proper trade of minding


She held her peace, only saying it was a pity that the English

would persist in inviting present disaster and eventual destruction

when she was “doing all she could to get them out of the country

with their lives still in their bodies.”

Presently she thought of an arrangement that might be acceptable,

and said to the heralds, “Go back and say to Lord Talbot this, from

me: ‘Come out of your bastilles with your host, and I will come

with mine; if I beat you, go in peace out of France; if you beat me,

burn me, according to your desire.'”

I did not hear this, but Dunois did, and spoke of it. The challenge

was refused.

Sunday morning her Voices or some instinct gave her a warning,

and she sent Dunois to Blois to take command of the army and

hurry it to Orleans. It was a wise move, for he found Regnault de

Chartres and some more of the King’s pet rascals there trying their

best to disperse the army, and crippling all the efforts of Joan’s

generals to head it for Orleans. They were a fine lot, those

miscreants. They turned their attention to Dunois now, but he had

balked Joan once, with unpleasant results to himself, and was not

minded to meddle in that way again. He soon had the army


Chapter 15 My Exquisite Poem Goes to Smash

WE OF the personal staff were in fairyland now, during the few

days that we waited for the return of the army. We went into

society. To our two knights this was not a novelty, but to us young

villagers it was a new and wonderful life. Any position of any sort

near the person of the Maid of Vaucouleurs conferred high

distinction upon the holder and caused his society to be courted;

and so the D’Arc brothers, and No‰l, and the Paladin, humble

peasants at home, were gentlemen here, personages of weight and

influence. It was fine to see how soon their country diffidences and

awkwardnesses melted away under this pleasant sun of deference

and disappeared, and how lightly and easily they took to their new

atmosphere. The Paladin was as happy as it was possible for any

one in this earth to be. His tongue went all the time, and daily he

got new delight out of hearing himself talk. He began to enlarge

his ancestry and spread it out all around, and ennoble it right and

left, and it was not long until it consisted almost entirely of dukes.

He worked up his old battles and tricked them out with fresh

splendors; also with new terrors, for he added artillery now. We

had seen cannon for the first time at Blois–a few pieces–here

there was plenty of it, and now and then we had the impressive

spectacle of a huge English bastille hidden from sight in a

mountain of smoke from its own guns, with lances of red flame

darting through it; and this grand picture, along with the quaking

thunders pounding away in the heart of it, inflamed the Paladin’s

imagination and enabled him to dress out those

ambuscade-skirmishes of ours with a sublimity which made it

impossible for any to recognize them at all except people who had

not been there.

You may suspect that there was a special inspiration for these

great efforts of the Paladin’s, and there was. It was the daughter of

the house, Catherine Boucher, who was eighteen, and gentle and

lovely in her ways, and very beautiful. I think she might have been

as beautiful as Joan herself, if she had had Joan’s eyes. But that

could never be. There was never but that one pair, there will never

be another. Joan’s eyes were deep and rich and wonderful beyond

anything merely earthly. They spoke all the languages–they had no

need of words. They produced all effects–and just by a glance, just

a single glance; a glance that could convict a liar of his lie and

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Categories: Twain, Mark