Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

and enemies.

Among the prisoners were a number of priests, and Joan took these

under her protection and saved their lives. It was urged that they

were most probably combatants in disguise, but she said:

“As to that, how can any tell? They wear the livery of God, and if

even one of these wears it rightfully, surely it were better that all

the guilty should escape than that we have upon our hands the

blood of that innocent man. I will lodge them where I lodge, and

feed them, and sent them away in safety.”

We marched back to the city with our crop of cannon and

prisoners on view and our banners displayed. Here was the first

substantial bit of war-work the imprisoned people had seen in the

seven months that the siege had endured, the first chance they had

had to rejoice over a French exploit. You may guess that they

made good use of it. They and the bells went mad. Joan was their

darling now, and the press of people struggling and shouldering

each other to get a glimpse of her was so great that we could

hardly push our way through the streets at all. Her new name had

gone all about, and was on everybody’s lips. The Holy Maid of

Vaucouleurs was a forgotten title; the city had claimed her for its

own, and she was the MAID OF ORLEANS now. It is a happiness

to me to remember that I heard that name the first time it was ever

uttered. Between that first utterance and the last time it will be

uttered on this earth–ah, think how many moldering ages will lie

in that gap!

The Boucher family welcomed her back as if she had been a child

of the house, and saved frm death against all hope or probability.

They chided her for going into the battle and exposing herself to

danger during all those hours. They could not realize that she had

meant to carry her warriorship so far, and asked her if it had really

been her purpose to go right into the turmoil of the fight, or hadn’t

she got swept into it by accident and the rush of the troops? They

begged her to be more careful another time. It was good advice,

maybe, but it fell upon pretty unfruitful soil.

Chapter 19 We Burst In Upon Ghosts

BEING WORN out with the long fight, we all slept the rest of the

afternoon away and two or three hours into the night. Then we got

up refreshed, and had supper. As for me, I could have been willing

to let the matter of the ghost drop; and the others were of a like

mind, no doubt, for they talked diligently of the battle and said

nothing of that other thing. And indeed it was fine and stirring to

hear the Paladin rehearse his deeds and see him pile his dead,

fifteen here, eighteen there, and thirty-five yonder; but this only

postponed the trouble; it could not do more. He could not go on

forever; when he had carried the bastille by assault and eaten up

the garrison there was nothing for it but to stop, unless Catherine

Boucher would give him a new start and have it all done over

again–as we hoped she would, this time–but she was otherwise

minded. As soon as there was a good opening and a fair chance,

she brought up her unwelcome subject, and we faced it the best we


We followed her and her parents to the haunted room at eleven

o’clock, with candles, and also with torches to place in the sockets

on the walls. It was a big house, with very thick walls, and this

room was in a remote part of it which had been left unoccupied for

nobody knew how many years, because of its evil repute.

This was a large room, like a salon, and had a big table in it of

enduring oak and well preserved; but the chair were worm-eaten

and the tapestry on the walls was rotten and discolored by age. The

dusty cobwebs under the ceiling had the look of not having had

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Categories: Twain, Mark