Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

of sarcasm, “Even a war-council would know enough to do that


Then she took her leave. La Hire made this general remark to the


“She is a child, and that is all ye seem to see. Keep to that

superstition if you must, but you perceive that this child

understands this complex game of war as well as any of you; and if

you want my opinion without the trouble of asking for it, here you

have it without ruffles or embroidery–by God, I think she can

teach the best of you how to play it!”

Joan had spoken truly; the sagacious English saw that the policy of

the French had undergone a revolution; that the policy of paltering

and dawdling was ended; that in place of taking blows, blows were

ready to be struck now; therefore they made ready for the new

state of things by transferring heavy reinforcements to the bastilles

of the south bank from those of the north.

The city learned the great news that once more in French history,

after all these humiliating years, France was going to take the

offensive; that France, so used to retreating, was going to advance;

that France, so long accustomed to skulking, was going to face

about and strike. The joy of the people passed all bounds. The city

walls were black with them to see the army march out in the

morning in that strange new position–its front, not its tail, toward

an English camp. You shall imagine for yourselves what the

excitement was like and how it expressed itself, when Joan rode

out at the head of the host with her banner floating above her.

We crossed the five in strong force, and a tedious long job it was,

for the boats were small and not numerous. Our landing on the

island of St. Aignan was not disputed. We threw a bridge of a few

boats across the narrow channel thence to the south shore and took

up our march in good order and unmolested; for although there

was a fortress there–St. John–the English vacated and destroyed it

and fell back on the bridge forts below as soon as our first boats

were seen to leave the Orleans shore; which was what Joan had

said would happen, when she was disputing with the council.

We moved down the shore and Joan planted her standard before

the bastille of the Augustins, the first of the formidable works that

protected the end of the bridge. The trumpets sounded the assault,

and two charges followed in handsome style; but we were too

weak, as yet, for our main body was still lagging behind. Before

we could gather for a third assault the garrison of St. Prive were

seen coming up to reinforce the big bastille. They came on a run,

and the Augustins sallied out, and both forces came against us with

a rush, and sent our small army flying in a panic, and followed us,

slashing and slaying, and shouting jeers and insults at us.

Joan was doing her best to rally the men, but their wits were gone,

their hearts were dominated for the moment by the old-time dread

of the English. Joan’s temper flamed up, and she halted and

commanded the trumpets to sound the advance. Then she wheeled

about and cried out:

“If there is but a dozen of you that are not cowards, it is

enough–follow me!”

Away she went, and after her a few dozen who had heard her

words and been inspired by them. The pursuing force was

astonished to see her sweeping down upon them with this handful

of men, and it was their turn now to experience a grisly

fright–surely this is a witch, this is a child of Satan! That was their

thought–and without stopping to analyze the matter they turned

and fled in a panic.

Our flying squadrons heard the bugle and turned to look; and when

they saw the Maid’s banner speeding in the other direction and the

enemy scrambling ahead of it in disorder, their courage returned

and they came scouring after us.

La Hire heard it and hurried his force forward and caught up with

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Categories: Twain, Mark