Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

tried no more.

The others were as outraged by the Paladin’s selfish conduct as I

was–and by his grand luck, too, of course–perhaps, indeed, that

was the main hurt. We talked our trouble over together, which was

natural, for rivals become brothers when a common affliction

assails them and a common enemy bears off the victory.

Each of us could do things that would please and get notice if it

were not for this person, who occupied all the time and gave others

no chance. I had made a poem, taking a whole night to it–a poem

in which I most happily and delicately celebrated that sweet girl’s

charms, without mentioning her name, but any one could see who

was meant; for the bare title–“The Rose of Orleans”–would reveal

that, as it seemed to me. It pictured this pure and dainty white rose

as growing up out of the rude soil of war and looking abroad out of

its tender eyes upon the horrid machinery of death, and then–note

this conceit–it blushes for the sinful nature of man, and turns red

in a single night. Becomes a red rose, you see–a rose that was

white before. The idea was my own, and quite new. Then it sent its

sweet perfume out over the embattled city, and when the

beleaguering forces smelt it they laid down their arms and wept.

This was also my own idea, and new. That closed that part of the

poem; then I put her into the similitude of the firmament–not the

whole of it, but only part. That is to say, she was the moon, and all

the constellations were following her about, their hearts in flames

for love of her, but she would not halt, she would not listen, for

’twas thought she loved another. ‘Twas thought she loved a poor

unworthy suppliant who was upon the earth, facing danger, death,

and possible mutilation in the bloody field, waging relentless war

against a heartless foe to save her from an all too early grave, and

her city from destruction. And when the sad pursuing

constellations came to know and realize the bitter sorrow that was

come upon them–note this idea–their hearts broke and their tears

gushed forth, filling the vault of heaven with a fiery splendor, for

those tears were falling stars. It was a rash idea, but beautiful;

beautiful and pathetic; wonderfully pathetic, the way I had it, with

the rhyme and all to help. At the end of each verse there was a

two-line refrain pitying the poor earthly lover separated so far, and

perhaps forever, from her he loved so well, and growing always

paler and weaker and thinner in his agony as he neared the cruel

grave–the most touching thing–even the boys themselves could

hardly keep back their tears, the way No‰l said those lines. There

were eight four-line stanzas in the first end of the poem–the end

about the rose, the horticultural end, as you may say, if that is not

too large a name for such a little poem–and eight in the

astronomical end–sixteen stanzas altogether, and I could have

made it a hundred and fifty if I had wanted to, I was so inspired

and so all swelled up with beautiful thoughts and fancies; but that

would have been too many to sing or recite before a company that

way, whereas sixteen was just right, and could be done over again

if desired.

The boys were amazed that I could make such a poem as that out

of my own head, and so was I, of course, it being as much a

surprise to me as it could be to anybody, for I did not know that it

was in me. If any had asked me a single day before if it was in me,

I should have told them frankly no, it was not.

That is the way with us; we may go on half of our life not knowing

such a thing is in us, when in reality it was there all the time, and

all we needed was something to turn up that would call for it.

Indeed, it was always so without family. My grandfather had a

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Categories: Twain, Mark