Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

The governor rode in state, attended by his guards, and the news of

it went everywhere, and made a great sensation, and modified the

scoffings of the people of quality and raised Joan’s credit higher

than ever.

The governor had made up his mind to one thing: Joan was either a

witch or a saint, and he meant to find out which it was. So he

brought a priest with him to exorcise the devil that was in her in

case there was one there. The priest performed his office, but

found no devil. He merely hurt Joan’s feelings and offended her

piety without need, for he had already confessed her before this,

and should have known, if he knew anything, that devils cannot

abide the confessional, but utter cries of anguish and the most

profane and furious cursings whenever they are confronted with

that holy office.

The governor went away troubled and full of thought, and not

knowing what to do. And while he pondered and studied, several

days went by and the 14th of February was come. Then Joan went

to the castle and said:

“In God’s name, Robert de Baudricourt, you are too slow about

sending me, and have caused damage thereby, for this day the

Dauphin’s cause has lost a battle near Orleans, and will suffer yet

greater injury if you do not send me to him soon.”

The governor was perplexed by this speech, and said:

“To-day, child, to-day? How can you know what has happened in

that region to-day? It would take eight or ten days for the word to


“My Voices have brought the word to me, and it is true. A battle

was lost to-day, and you are in fault to delay me so.”

The governor walked the floor awhile, talking within himself, but

letting a great oath fall outside now and then; and finally he said:

“Harkye! go in peace, and wait. If it shall turn out as you say, I will

give you the letter and send you to the King, and not otherwise.”

Joan said with fervor:

“Now God be thanked, these waiting days are almost done. In nine

days you will fetch me the letter.”

Already the people of Vaucouleurs had given her a horse and had

armed and equipped her as a soldier. She got no chance to try the

horse and see if she could ride it, for her great first duty was to

abide at her post and lift up the hopes and spirits of all who would

come to talk with her, and prepare them to help in the rescue and

regeneration of the kingdom. This occupied every waking moment

she had. But it was no matter. There was nothing she could not

learn–and in the briefest time, too. Her horse would find this out

in the first hour. Meantime the brothers and I took the horse in turn

and began to learn to ride. And we had teaching in the use of the

sword and other arms also.

On the 20th Joan called her small army together–the two knights

and her two brothers and me–for a private council of war. No, it

was not a council, that is not the right name, for she did not

consult with us, she merely gave us orders. She mapped out the

course she would travel toward the King, and did it like a person

perfectly versed in geography; and this itinerary of daily marches

was so arranged as to avoid here and there peculiarly dangerous

regions by flank movements–which showed that she knew her

political geography as intimately as she knew her physical

geography; yet she had never had a day’s schooling, of course, and

was without education. I was astonished, butg thought her Voices

must have taught her. But upon reflection I saw that this was not

so. By her references to what this and that and the other per4son

had told her, I perceived that she had been diligently questioning

those crowds of visiting strangers, and that out of them she had

patiently dug all this mass of invaluable knowledge. The two

knights were filled with wonder at her good sense and sagacity.

She commanded us to make preparations to travel by night and

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Categories: Twain, Mark