Personal Recollections of Joan by Mark Twain

into the darkness beyond them the better I felt. I came nearer and

nearer to feeling good, for an hour; then we found the bridge still

standing, and I felt entirely good. We crossed it and destroyed it,

and then I felt–but I cannot describe what I felt. One has to feel it

himself in order to know what it is like.

We had expected to hear the rush of a pursuing force behind us,

for we thought that the real Captain Raymond would arrive and

suggest that perhaps the troop that had been mistaken for his

belonged to the Virgin of Vaucouleurs; but he must have been

delayed seriously, for when we resumed our march beyond the

river there were no sounds behind us except those which the storm

was furnishing.

I said that Joan had harvested a good many compliments intended

for Captain Raymond, and that he would find nothing of a crop left

but a dry stubble of reprimands when he got back, and a

commander just in the humor to superintend the gathering of it in.

Joan said:

“It will be as you say, no doubt; for the commander took a troop

for granted, in the night and unchallenged, and would have

camped without sending a force to destroy the bridge if he had

been left unadvised, and none are so ready to find fault with others

as those who do things worthy of blame themselves.”

The Sieur Bertrand was amused at Joan’s na‹ve way of referring to

her advice as if it had been a valuable present to a hostile leader

who was saved by it from making a censurable blunder of

omission, and then he went on to admire how ingeniously she had

deceived that man and yet had not told him anything that was not

the truth. This troubled Joan, and she said:

“I thought he was deceiving himself. I forbore to tell him lies, for

that would have been wrong; but if my truths deceived him,

perhaps that made them lies, and I am to blame. I would God I

knew if I have done wrong.”

She was assured that she had done right, and that in the perils and

necessities of war deceptions that help one’s own cause and hurt

the enemy’s were always permissible; but she was not quite

satisfied with that, and thought that even when a great cause was

in danger one ought to have the privilege of trying honorable ways

first. Jean said:

“Joan, you told us yourself that you were going to Uncle Laxart’s to

nurse his wife, but you didn’t say you were going further, yet you

did go on to Vaucouleurs. There!”

“I see now,” said Joan, sorrowfully. “I told no lie, yet I deceived. I

had tried all other ways first, but I could not get away, and I had to

get away. My mission required it. I did wrong, I think, and am to


She was silent a moment, turning the matter over in her mind, then

she added, with quiet decision, “But the thing itself was right, and I

would do it again.”

It seemed an over-nice distinction, but nobody said anything. I few

had known her as well as she knew herself, and as her later history

revealed her to us, we should have perceived that she had a clear

meaning there, and that her position was not identical with ours, as

we were supposing, but occupied a higher plane. She would

sacrifice herself–and her best self; that is, her truthfulness–to save

her cause; but only that; she would not buy her life at that cost;

whereas our war-ethics permitted the purchase of our lives, or any

mere military advantage, small or great, by deception. Her saying

seemed a commonplace at the time, the essence of its meaning

escaping us; but one sees now that it contained a principle which

lifted it above that and made it great and fine.

Presently the wind died down, the sleet stopped falling, and the

cold was less severe. The road was become a bog, and the horses

labored through it at a walk–they could do no better. As the heavy

time wore on, exhaustion overcame us, and we slept in our

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Categories: Twain, Mark