Saving Faith By: David Baldacci

she was infatuated, caught up in his role as her protector. Last night

could be explained away by alcohol, the intoxication of the danger

swirling around them or perhaps just simple lust. And he wasn’t going

to ask her how she felt. She had enough going on.

He focused on the immediate future. Was traveling cross-country on the

Honda to San Diego the best plan? Mexico and then South America? He

felt a pang of guilt when he thought of the family he would be leaving

behind. Then he thought about something else: his reputation, what his

family would think. If he ran, he would be admitting guilt of sorts.

And if they did get caught while running, who would believe them?

He slumped back in his chair and suddenly pondered a very different

strategy. A few minutes before, flight seemed the wisest choice.

Faith, understandably, didn’t want to go back and help send Buchanan to

prison. Lee really didn’t have much interest in doing that either, not

after hearing why the man had been bribing the politicians. In truth,

Danny Buchanan probably should be sainted instead. That’s when an idea

started to form in his head.

Lee went back inside and picked up his cell phone from the coffee

table. He had one of those mega-minute deals with no long distance or

roaming charges, so that he rarely even used his hard-line phone

anymore. It had voice mail, text mail, caller ID. It even had a news

banner where you could check Out late-breaking stories, or how your

stocks were doing, not that he had any.

When he had first started out as a private investigator, Lee had used

an IBM typewriter; touch-tone phones were cutting edge; and fax

machines spit out curly thermal paper and were the domain of only the

largest companies. That was less than fifteen years ago. Now he was

holding a global communications command center in the palm of his hand.

Change that fast just couldn’t be healthy. But still, who could live

without these damn things now?

He plopped down on the couch and stared at the slowly revolving ceiling

fan’s rattan blades, contemplating the pros and cons of what he was

thinking about doing. Then he made up his mind, and slipped his wallet

out of his back pocket. The piece of paper was in there with the

number his client, who he knew now was Danny Buchanan, had originally

given him. The one he had been unable to trace. Then doubt seized

him. What if he was wrong about Buchanan’s not being involved in the

attempt on Faith’s life? He stood and paced. When he looked out the

window at the blue sky, he saw only possible disaster looming in the

approaching storm clouds. Still, Buchanan had hired him. He was

technically working for the man. Maybe it was time to report in. He

said a silent prayer, picked up his cell phone and punched in the

numbers from the piece of paper.


CONNIE DID NOT LOOK HAPPY as Paul Fisher leaned Howard and addressed

him in a conspiratorial tone.

“We have every reason to believe that she’s in on it, Connie. Despite

what you’ve told us.”

Connie glared at the man. He hated everything about Fisher, from his

perfect hair and rocky-ledge chin down to his ramrod-straight posture

and wrinkle-free shirts. He had been sitting in here for half an hour.

He had told Fisher and Massey his side of the story, and they had told

him theirs. They were not going to find any middle ground.

“That’s bullshit with a capital B, Paul.”

Fisher sat back and looked at Massey. “You heard the facts. How can

you sit there and defend her?”

“Because I know she’s innocent, how about that?”

“Do you have any facts to back that up, Connie?” Massey wanted to


“I’ve been sitting here telling you the facts, Fred. We had a hot lead

at Agriculture on another case. Brooke didn’t even want Ken to go with

Lockhart that night. She wanted to go.”

“Or so she told you,” Massey replied.

“Look, I’ve got twenty-five years’ worth of experience that says Brooke

Reynolds is as clean as they come.”

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Categories: Baldacci David